04. November 2020

Reliable jump start

Come in weeks make it easier to start studying even during the pandemic.

The new winter semester 2020/21 at the HSZG is a very special one. Not only have the two campuses in Zittau and Görlitz started teaching at different times, but all activities and planning are currently characterized by many uncertainties. Forty percent of teaching is to be implemented digitally this semester. This will lead to major changes for students and lecturers and, above all, restrict direct contact opportunities. Even though the HSZG is aiming for a high proportion of face-to-face teaching for its new students, the challenges remain particularly great for them.

The hard facts

This is why the annual Come in weeks with preliminary courses in mathematics, electrical engineering, chemistry, physics and computer science were also - and perhaps especially - in great demand among first-year students this year. They took place from 14 - 25.09.2020 in Zittau and from 12 - 16.10.2020 in Görlitz with a high attendance rate and formed an important building block for our new arrivals to start a very special phase of their lives. Despite a shorter duration than in previous years and strict hygiene requirements, all courses were very popular. The number of participants rose slightly compared to the previous year to a total of 188 students, despite declining enrolment figures. Of these, 152 attended the mathematics pre-course, 73 the physics pre-course, 49 the chemistry pre-course, 44 the electrical engineering pre-course and 25 each the computer science pre-courses in web applications and Python.

Getting to know each other despite contact reductions

In addition to technical refresher courses, there was once again a supporting program with various leisure activities this year. Although these were greatly reduced, they still offered the opportunity to make initial contacts outside of the courses, have lively conversations and end the day in pleasant company. In Zittau, the students went to Lake Olbersdorf on sunny and mild late summer evenings, where they were able to admire the sunset in convivial company. Two cosy barbecue evenings were also organized at Residence D. In Görlitz, the traditional hike up the Landeskrone took place.

A huge thank you

Despite some restrictions, it was a very successful preparation for the start of their studies for the students. We would therefore like to thank all the lecturers who delivered the Come in - Weeks courses in person and digitally. We would also like to thank the many helpers from the SbS team (students advise students) and the DeZi-Bar, who once again provided catering for the barbecue evenings.

Photo: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Felix Eschrich
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Felix Eschrich
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
02763 Zittau
Külzufer 2
Building Z VI, Room 101
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4721