16. October 2024

Half-timbered houses in the digital age

The Umgebindehaus Information Center (IZU) hosted a lecture evening at the HSZG on the topic of "Innovative technologies in Umgebindehaus research".

On September 18, 2024, the Umgebindehaus Information Center (IZU) hosted a lecture evening at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. As part of the "ZEIT.FÜR.NEUES.DENKEN." project, everything revolved around the topic of "Innovative technologies in Umgebindehaus research". Our guests accepted the invitation and experienced an exciting evening that shed light on the future of half-timbered houses in the digital age.

Advisory board discusses project progress

The public presentation was preceded by a meeting of the advisory board. At this meeting, the task strands of CONSCIOUSNESS, TRADITION and INNOVATION were discussed in depth and concrete measures for the further implementation of the project were defined. Matthias Schwarzbach received widespread recognition for his valuable contribution to the project.

Speakers present digital possibilities

Afterwards, Prof. Thomas Worbs and Jan Fallgatter, students Sophie Steglich from the Housing and Real Estate Management course and Lutz Westermann from .hapto GmbH took the audience on a journey into the digital world of Umgebindehaus research. They presented innovative technologies ranging from 3D scanning and photogrammetry to virtual tours and VR applications.

Fascinating insights into the architecture

Using examples, the speakers demonstrated how digital models help to capture the unique architecture of the Umgebinde houses in detail and bring it to life. Virtual tours make it possible to explore the buildings from the inside and outside and immerse yourself in the history of the building style.

Refurbishment with digital support - AI-generated visualization

Another focus was on the visualization of refurbishment options. Digital representations make it possible to simulate various refurbishment scenarios and illustrate the effects on the appearance of the building. This supports owners in planning and decision-making and should contribute to an efficient and successful refurbishment.

Source: Archive (left), Generator: PromeAI (right) Left: Historical photo "Hugenottenhaus" Ebersbach-Neugersdorf | Right: AI-generated visualization.


Current deficits of AI-generated visualizations

The AI images are deceptive! When creating images with artificial intelligence, there are "STILL" errors that are particularly noticeable in historical buildings. For example, inadmissible components and incorrect materials are used, e.g. for roofs or windows, or shadows are not calculated correctly.

  • Non-compliance with the requirements of monument protection legislation (1,2,6,7,8): The AI-generated visualizations do not "YET" adhere to the specific requirements of monument protection. This manifests itself above all in the incorrect choice of materials for the roof covering, the integration of non-authentic skylights, inadmissible window constructions and atypical proportions.
  • Geometric inconsistencies (3): The generated visualizations contain geometric errors. One example of this is the incorrect calculation of the shadow cast by the chimney on the roof surface. These inaccuracies impair the realism of the visualization.
  • Unrealistic material properties (4.5): The surface materials used often appear artificial and do not correspond to the usual materials used in building construction. This leads to an optical alienation and reduces the credibility of the visualization.

Bridging the gap between tradition and modernity: the Umgebindehaus app

Digitalization opens up new ways of preserving the cultural heritage of Upper Lusatia and making it accessible to future generations. Interactive applications and virtual experiences appeal to young people in particular and arouse their interest in the Umgebindehäuser.

The app developed together with .hapto GmbH Umgebindehaus app prototype is an innovative tool that transfers the tradition of the Upper Lusatian half-timbered houses into the digital world. With virtual exploration options and informative descriptions, it offers interactive and vivid access to this unique building style.

Whether owners of half-timbered houses, tourists or simply those interested in architecture - the app is aimed at a wide audience and brings the cultural heritage of the region to life. The app is therefore not only an informative companion but also a valuable teaching tool.

Successful evening with an outlook

The lecture evening in Zittau was a great success and showed impressively how tradition and modernity can be combined. Digitalization offers a wide range of possibilities for researching, renovating and preserving the half-timbered houses of Upper Lusatia.

It will be exciting to see how the "ZEIT.FÜR.NEUES.DENKEN." project uses these technologies to combat vacancy and make the Umgebindehäuser fit for the future.

The science location with the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences is located in the center of the "Umgebindeland". This is why the "Umgebindehaus Information Center" (IZU) is located here. Linking the historic Umgebinde houses with the "digital building survey" module enables new methods for exploring the houses and can sensitize young people to the value of the Umgebinde houses.
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Worbs
More about IZU

The Umgebindehaus Information Center (IZU) is located at the HSZG. It acts as a scientific point of contact when it comes to the Umgebindehäuser in Upper Lusatia. The focus is on the specialist topics of construction, building physics, digitalization and real estate in rural areas. The website of the Umgebindehaus Information Center (IZU) provides all the information you need on the topic of Umgebindehäuser.

Photo: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Worbs
Ihre Ansprechperson
Prof. Dipl.-Ing.
Thomas Worbs
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z II, Room 6
First floor
+49 3583 612-4622
+49 3583 612-3809