06. April 2018

(Thermal) dynamics in the windy city

HSCG thermodynamicists presented research results at the ASHRAE Winter Conference 2018 in Chicago.

Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Herrmann, Department of Technical Thermodynamics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, presented the results of the research project in the field of transport properties, viscosity and thermal conductivity of humid air at the conference of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) in Chicago (USA).

In addition to the project leader, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hans-Joachim Kretzschmar, also from the Department of Technical Thermodynamics, scientists from the University of Rostock, the University of Maryland (USA) and an ASHRAE expert in the field of humid air were involved in the project. Among other things, the algorithms developed in the project were used to recalculate tables and diagrams for the next edition of the "ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals", the standard calculation work in the fields of heating, cooling and air conditioning technology. This project is already the second research project of the Technical Thermodynamics department on behalf of ASHRAE.


Dr. Herrmann präsentierte in einem Vortrag die Ergebnisse eines ASHRAE-Forschungsprojektes auf dem Gebiet der Transporteigenschaften Viskosität und Wärmeleitfähigkeit der feuchten Luft.


Another important aspect of the conference participation was the collaboration of Prof. Kretzschmar and Dr. Herrmann in a current research project for the development of a new ASHRAE standard for the calculation of the thermodynamic properties of humid air.

Prof. Kretzschmar and Dr. Herrmann also presented software for calculating the thermodynamic and transport properties of humid air, which was developed at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, at the ASHRAE winter conference in Chicago.

Following the conference, further details of the joint research projects were discussed with the experts from the University of Maryland and ASHRAE.



Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. H.-J. Kretzschmar

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Department of Technical Thermodynamics

Phone: 03583-612-4846

E-mail: hj.kretzschmar(at)hszg.de