22. January 2024

New podcast series against everyday racism

The student project of the Social Work degree program is entering the next round with a second season.

Is everyday racism still (not) a concept for you? Then you are cordially invited to listen to the new (and old) episodes of our podcast!

You can access our podcast and our socials here!

Once again this year, the episodes have been produced in collaboration with people with experiences of everyday racism, flight and migration. You can expect exciting and informative conversations on topics such as social setting, interculturality and experiences of racism in Görlitz.

You can find the new episodes since December 15, 2023 on all common podcast platforms under "Mensch, Görlitz!". You can also use our QR code or simply click here.

The aim of the project is to create a platform for exchange. People who are confronted with everyday racism should be able to share their experiences here and help shape the concepts of the individual episodes. But we also want to pick up people who have had no previous contact with the topic of everyday racism, raise their awareness and create spaces for encounters. The new episodes were created in cooperation with our sponsor, the SUPPORT Team Görlitz of RAA Sachsen e.V. The podcast can be continued in the future by subsequent student groups - perhaps even by you - and the dialog can continue.

We look forward to your feedback!

Are you interested in taking part in the project, would you like to exchange ideas with us or simply find out more about the project? Then take a look at our social media channels or send us an email! We are always open to suggestions and criticism.

This measure is co-financed with tax revenue on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon state parliament.

The "Mensch, Görlitz!" team would like to thank all active supporters and hopes you enjoy listening!

Further information on the "Mensch, Görlitz!" project can be found here.

Your contact persons

Ronja Hannich

Faculty of Social Sciences
Furtstraße 2, 02826 Görlitz


Practical student project "Mensch Görlitz! We need to talk!"
as part of the "Project Studies" course in the Social Work degree program
(project management: Paul Enke)