04. January 2023

"I like the variety of tasks!"

The principal's KIA representative Kristin Groß introduces herself in an interview.

Kristin Groß (42) has been working as the Rector's KIA Officer within the University Development and Communication Office at the HSZG since November 1, 2022. In this interview, she talks about her previous jobs, how she joined the university and what she particularly likes about her new position.

Ms. Groß, you have been working at the university as the new KIA representative since the beginning of November. Please introduce yourself briefly.

I completed my degree in industrial engineering at the HSZG in 2005. After that, I worked in the family business for a long time until I moved to the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in 2020. I worked there in the business development department. My main tasks included advising start-ups, organizing events and providing business advice on a wide range of economic topics.

How were the first few weeks at your new job? How have you been received and how has the induction process been so far?

The first few weeks were one thing above all: a lot of input. The on-boarding process at the university enabled me to settle in quickly and comfortably thanks to the support of my mentor. I received a very warm welcome from all the university staff, which made me very happy. Thankfully, my predecessor will support me in my professional induction. This is a great help for me and makes it much easier to get started.

Could you briefly describe your role and what you do on a daily basis?

As the Rector's KIA representative, I see myself as an interface between companies, students and professors. I am affiliated to the University Development and Communication Office and am therefore also responsible for the strategic orientation of the dual study program. My primary task, however, is to maintain the existing company network and acquire new cooperation companies, and thus also to increase the number of students.

What do you find appealing about your work?

I definitely like the variety in my work. I like the contact with the students just as much as the company contacts. It's always very exciting to look at both perspectives and ultimately combine them in certain intersections. On the other hand, it is challenging that there are only 24 hours in a day. No fun, but certain administrative processes could be optimized through digitalization and thus gain more time.

Have you already had contact with KIA cooperation companies? 

Yes, I had the opportunity to take part in the late shift in the very first week and was in Weißwasser at Kreisel GmbH, one of the first KIA cooperation companies. Last week, Deutsche Bahn Netz AG visited us at the university, and soon there will be a small project where we will present KIA partner companies. My first trip will be to Siemens in Görlitz and then to LEAG in Cottbus and ATN Hölzel in Oppach at the beginning of 2023. The company network is large and will be gradually expanded. Contact with companies is very important for us as a university.

Work is only half the battle. What do you like to do in your free time?

I've had a passion for winter sports for a few years now. I often go cross-country skiing or ski touring in the Zittau Mountains or in the nearby Jizera Mountains. I like traveling and trying things out for myself to gain my own experience.

Kristin Groß
Ihre Ansprechperson
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. (FH)
Kristin Groß
Rectorate/Head Office University Development and Communication/Department KIA
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.48
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4811