14. December 2022

Made for tourism

Johanna and Alina are studying Tourism Management and talk about their experiences.

The trend towards more and more leisure and mobility continues unabated, and the demand for future tourism and leisure experts is growing: Johanna from the Spreewald and Alina from Rostock are both studying Tourism Management in their sixth semester. In an interview with Annafried Schmidt from "Pack dein Studium", they explain what makes studying at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences so special for them.

Did you always want to study tourism management or was it more of a coincidence?

Johanna: "Sometimes I think it was perhaps always what I was meant to do. My parents have vacation apartments in the Spreewald, so I grew up with tourism. I never wanted a normal desk job and to sit in front of a computer in an office every day. That's why tourism brings new challenges every day."
Alina: "I come from Rostock, which is also a tourist region. I've always had a lot to do with people in the tourism industry, both because I used to work in a hotel and because of my background. The decision to work in tourism was therefore an obvious one and, in hindsight, completely the right one for me. As Johanna says - maybe it's always been in you."

How did the orientation process go beforehand and what ultimately led you to study in Görlitz?

Alina: "I was pretty desperate at the beginning and had lots of appointments with a careers advisor at school. Together with her, I sorted out what didn't fit and what I really wanted. I didn't actually want to go that far away from Rostock - but Görlitz was the best option for me, as it had everything I wanted. In hindsight, it was the right decision."
Johanna: "After graduating from high school, I did an internship at an event and advertising agency for a year. I enjoyed it and found myself there. My colleagues then recommended Görlitz to me for my studies. I then applied there and to other universities. Stralsund was originally my favorite, but that didn't work out and then I decided on Görlitz and I'm now glad that it turned out that way."

What do you particularly like about Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences?

Johanna: "It's incredibly informal, all the lecturers know our names - that's really nice. The lecturers and the teaching system are also very flexible. You often have a say in how things are run. The university is not big, so you always meet up. I feel like I'm in good hands."
Alina: "There is a familiar atmosphere, a feeling of 1:1 support and reliable contact, for example via WhatsApp. You also know all your fellow students personally, and the small seminar groups of six to ten people make it nice and pleasant to work together."

What are the advantages and special features of the course?

Alina: "The course includes modules in business administration, accounting, economics, marketing and management - you practically have the basis for everything afterwards. Ultimately, it's up to you what you make of it. The content is also very practical, as we work directly with tourism businesses in Görlitz. For example, within one module we helped to improve the city's reusable packaging system to make it more sustainable."
Johanna: "The specialization modules in the fourth semester give us students a lot of choice to specialize. I focused on event management, for example. I like the fact that you plan something and then see how a small idea turns into something big. It's a great feeling to 'bustle around' at an event you've organized yourself and it's exactly what I've always wanted to do."

After six semesters, what still fascinates you about the course?

Alina: "I'm fascinated by the variety. Tourism is so broadly diversified and there are different facets in the individual areas. You're also always in contact with people, no matter what you do. Tourism is simply something beautiful - because everything we do has the ulterior motive that it should be inspiring and enriching for others and that they can collect wonderful memories."
Johanna: "We get to work in so many different areas of tourism, such as hotels, leisure facilities, museums or transportation companies, and deal with so many different people. It's incredibly varied and very important to me personally. You bring people together and that's a wonderful feeling. What's more, tourism will always exist because it is simply a basic need. It gives us a secure job."

In your eyes, Görlitz as a city is...

Alina: "...small, but diverse and surprising. Many people don't even have Görlitz on their map, but it's so beautiful here and not to be underestimated."
Johanna: "Görlitz is international, you find people from all corners of Germany and some are doing their semester abroad here. You get to know many cultures and make great friends."

And what is (student) life like?

Johanna: "To be honest, I had never been to Görlitz before my studies. But after six semesters, I can say that finding accommodation is easy, rents and the cost of living are reasonable. And there's always something going on, either in the student club in the hall of residence or in the bars."
Alina: "When you go out in Görlitz, you always meet familiar faces. The city is very cozy and it's nice that everything is within walking or cycling distance. There's also Lake Berzdorf, where you can spend the summer. That makes the exam period bearable."

What are your plans after graduation?

Alina: "We're going to finish our Bachelor's degree first, of course. After that, I'm thinking about staying in Görlitz and studying 'International Tourism Management' in the Master's program, because the content sounds very cool and there's even a semester abroad. That really appeals to me."
Johanna: "After graduating, I would like to gain more experience abroad, preferably in the event industry. But before that, we're still enjoying our time in Görlitz - because we're both very attached to our lives here."

The interview was conducted by Annafried Schmidt.

Source: Pack-dein-Studium.de

Photo: Dipl.-Kffr. Solvig Langschwager
Ihre Ansprechperson
Solvig Langschwager
Faculty of Management and Cultural Studies
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 3
Building G IV, Room 2.19
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4266