08. January 2018

"Auditioning" an energy management system is no longer enough

At the 8th IMS breakfast, experiences were exchanged on new requirements for energy efficiency systems.

Since October 14, 2017, companies with a certified energy management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001 have been obliged to provide plausible evidence of continuous improvement in energy efficiency. This requirement results from ISO 50003 "Energy management systems - Requirements for bodies that audit and certify energy management systems". External energy auditors will request quantitative evidence of how energy-related performance has been improved during the next reaccreditation audits.


Dozentin Anke Zenker-Hoffmann hält dem Publikum im Seminarsaal einen Vortrag über die Präzisierungen der ISO 50003 zur technischen Leistungsverbesserung und deren Dokumentation.


At our 8th IMS breakfast shortly before Christmas, Anke Zenker-Hoffmann provided information on the clarifications of ISO 50003 on technical performance improvement and its documentation as well as on other "members" of the ISO 50000 family of standards.  


Andreas Langhammer, Geschäftsführer der Sachsenfenster GmbH & Co.KG, gab in seinem Vortrag Einblicke in seine Erfahrungen bei der Umsetzung von Maßnahmen in seinem betrieblichen Energiemanagementsystem.


Andreas Langhammer, Managing Director of Sachsenfenster GmbH & Co.KG, used specific examples to show how he plans the implementation of measures in his company's energy management system and demonstrates the improvement in his energy efficiency using key figures, as well as the pitfalls and problems involved in creating, recording, evaluating and interpreting key figures. It is important to identify and define relevant variables that influence energy performance, such as weather-related influences, production capacity utilization, raw material quality or process conditions. His conclusion: Anyone who has previously implemented the ISO 50001 requirement for continuous improvement will have no problems with the stricter requirements for the obligation to provide evidence. It all comes down to this: "Some have already implemented the energy management system, others have implemented it technically".


Teilnehmer des 8. IMS-Frühstücks nutzten die Pausen für intensive Gespräche.


In the "Did you know" section, we presented our "Upper Lusatia Energy Efficiency Network", an association of 8 regional companies for the exchange of information on energy management, including issues relating to the creation of key figures, the implementation of measures and measuring success in energy management.



Prof. Dr. Jana Brauweiler

Integrated Management Systems

Phone: 03583 612-4752

E-mail: j.brauweiler(at)hszg.de