21. October 2024

An alliance for participation and transparency in structural change

Report on the 2nd StrukturWANDEL Conference on October 2, 2024

Many active people in Lusatia's structural change are committed to gender equality. Some talk about it, others simply do it. And still others turn away as soon as gender equality is mentioned in public.

The 2nd strukturWANDEL conference focused on people who point out that gender equality is not a "women's problem", but a concern for society as a whole and must be shaped: So that even more people can participate in the change in Lusatia, feel comfortable in Lusatia and co-determination is not a question of gender.

The 2nd strukturWANDEL conference closed the gap between knowledge about the unequal consequences of structural change processes and the ability to act. It was an important step towards interlinking all forces and contributed to the visibility of actors and topics. It saw itself as a contribution to "mutual knowledge" and as a call for alliance and networking. It followed the intention that solidarity and the exchange of experiences lead to the goal.

Almost 140 participants focused on the current development of gender equality aspects in structural change in Lusatia and possible solutions for outstanding needs and challenges. For example, data and facts were compiled that provide indications from both a regional and national perspective as to which factors have an influence on positive development and how the structural change measures taken so far are having an effect. Several panels also examined the question of how equality can be implemented in practice in companies, administrative structures and other areas and why both generational conflicts and European networking offer opportunities.

The 2nd structural CHANGE conference was implemented by the Lusatia Equality Alliance! The Alliance for Equality is an association of women from Saxony and Brandenburg who see Lusatia, which is divided into two federal states, as one region and are proactively involved in shaping structural change in Lusatia. It consists of groups of people who have hardly been visible or able to actively participate in existing formats and structures.

The initiative for the alliance came from the municipal equal opportunities officers in Lusatia. Over 10 municipal equal opportunities officers have created an interface between equality and structural change. They are taking a proactive stance and have been working together with the State Equal Opportunities Officer from Brandenburg, supported by the TRAWOS Institute at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, to promote gender-equitable structural change at various levels since 2020. They are continuously gaining support at state, federal and EU level. In addition to the Lusatia representatives, the Alliance for Gender Equality works with long-standing and new partners in science, business, trade unions and civil society and develops standards for cooperation.

The alliance wants participation and transparency in structural change. It wants more women to sit and speak on committees and panels. Women should be given the opportunity to do so. It wants to point out that the dynamics of inequality in structural change are at the expense of women and place their creative intentions in the foreground.

Conclusion: Gender equality is a joint task for the federal government, federal states, local authorities and civil society. More than ever, municipal gender equality work needs the backing of the EU, the federal government and the federal states. The commitment at municipal level shows how important and determined we are to achieve gender equality in structural change and thus advance the socio-ecological transformation in a gender-equitable way.


More information will follow!

The HSZG as a strong cooperation partner
  • The TRAWOS Institute has supported the Lusatia Alliance for Gender Equality since its inception and provides the gender equality officers with scientific advice on the topics of gender equality, gender research and commitment. All information and the history of the founding of the alliance can be found on the TRAWOS and F wie Kraft websites.
  • Lausitz - Life & Technology took part in the conference with its own contribution. The panel "More than just a workplace!" focused on practical approaches to gender equality in companies and research institutions, particularly in the border region with Poland and the Czech Republic. Leonie Liemich from Lausitz - Life & Technology emphasized the importance of a holistic approach to regional development that integrates both technological and social aspects. The discussion made it clear that women are underrepresented in research and development (R&D) projects and, together with the DZA, discussed various approaches from the HR sector to get women more involved in science. Using the example of L&T, Liemich illustrated that only 25% of the 20 research and development projects initiated by L&T in the region in the last four years were led by women and 28% were carried out by female scientific staff. Liemich called for targeted measures to promote diversity and interdisciplinary cooperation in order to drive forward future-proof developments that are technically, socially and economically sustainable in equal measure.
  • With the "research factory" CircEcon, the technical universities in Dresden, Freiberg and Chemnitz, together with the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, are making a significant contribution to the regional development of Lusatia. This cooperation combines bundled expertise in applied science on the topic of the circular economy in order to develop innovative solutions for the challenges facing the region. CircEcon focuses on practical research and enables the implementation of ideas directly on site. This collaboration aims to sustainably strengthen the economy and infrastructure in Lusatia, increase regional competitiveness and thus generate opportunities for people to stay in Lusatia. The structural change conference offered the opportunity to exchange ideas with many stakeholders in Lusatia.
  • The Federal Ministry of Education and Research's Female Professors Program supports women in their academic careers and aims to significantly increase the proportion of female professors at German universities. At the same time, the necessary gender equality policy structures at universities are being expanded and strengthened through measures to promote equality. At the HSZG, this includes the expansion of capacity in the area of gender research. The Structural Change Conference contributes both to the networking of gender equality policy stakeholders in the Lusatia region and to the increased visibility of excellent female researchers at the HSZG.

Your contact persons at TRAWOS

Photo: Dr. phil. Julia Gabler
Dr. phil.
Julia Gabler
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 2.21
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4264
Marie Melzer
Institute for Transformation, Housing and Social Spatial Development
02826 Görlitz
Parkstrasse 2
Building G VII, Room 315
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4459