11. May 2023

Perfectly prepared for the exam

Alina and Sandeep are KIA students at the HSZG and report on the good cooperation with their practice partner Siemens Energy.

Do you want to start a degree course and gain practical experience at the same time? Then the dual study program with integrated training at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (HSZG) could be the right choice for you.

Here, KIA students talk about their studies at HSZG, their practice partners and how they combine the two in the best possible way. Be inspired by Richard Kretzschmar's experiences with Deutsche Bahn!

And find out more about Alina and Sandeep, who are getting off to a flying start at Siemens Energy!

Alina is a 21-year-old student in the 3rd semester of the Energy and Environmental Technology course at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (HSZG). She opted for a dual study program because she did not want to be dependent on her parents' support for financial reasons. She particularly liked Siemens Energy as a training partner and was accepted directly after her application.

Sandeep from Nepal is 23 years old and graduated from high school in his home country and learned German before applying to the Studienkolleg in Germany. He started the Studienkolleg in August 2021. Sandeep will receive his university entrance qualification when he graduates in July 2022. He found out more about the dual study program at the HSZG from his fellow countrymen, who were also at the Studienkolleg, and his university teachers. Sandeep liked the fact that he would receive a training salary during his studies and applied to Siemens Energy. He is now studying energy and environmental technology, including training as a mechatronics technician in the second semester.

Both students find the skilled worker qualification attractive on their CVs. This sets them apart from their competitors and is one of the reasons why they decided to study at KIA. The combination of theory and practice has several advantages for them. The practice makes it easier for them to learn and understand the theory. For Sandeep, financial independence is extremely important. As a foreign student, he would have to rely on a part-time job if he were studying directly.

Siemens Energy is an international global player with modern technologies and innovative training methods. Görlitz is not far from the university in Zittau. They both like the training at Siemens Energy. The training pay is very good and the 30 days' vacation are also very attractive. Alina feels very comfortable as a female trainee in the company.

The onboarding at Siemens Energy was combined with a trip to Lake Felix. Initial contacts with fellow students have already been made through team-building measures. Alina took part in the preliminary courses offered at the university. Sandeep was able to take part in the Faculty M shuttle start.

Alina has her own apartment in Zittau and Sandeep lives in student accommodation. He receives a special KIA program and lives there for free for one month. Both receive a housing allowance from Siemens Energy for the duration of their training. Both are enthusiastic about life in the border triangle. Alina likes to go hiking in the Zittau Mountains or relax at the O-See lake. The fuel prices in Poland are cheap. Sandeep has many international friends in Zittau.

Alina is full of confidence and feels well prepared for her upcoming exam. Siemens Energy provides trainees with the best possible support in preparing for their exams. The trainees set up their examination systems themselves, practise on them and also prepare their tools and aids independently. Of course, they are always supported by their experienced trainers. All of this is part of the special exam preparation weeks at the company. The theoretical aspects of the training are covered at the university, where the students receive a solid grounding in the profession.

Janek Tiefel, trainer and coordinator at Siemens Energy's training center in Görlitz, is extremely satisfied with the KIA students in his training program. An average of 6 KIA students are trained at Siemens Energy every year, and the trend is rising. The training is adapted each year to the current requirements of the company and the constantly changing subject areas in order to drive research forward.

The company currently offers apprenticeships in the fields of machining mechanics, industrial mechanics and mechatronics. In addition, dual courses of study are offered in mechanical engineering, energy and environmental technology as well as mechatronics. KIA trainees are determined, performance-oriented and independent, and they know exactly what they want.

Unfortunately, applications for apprenticeships at Siemens Energy are declining. There are currently still two apprenticeships and two university places available. There are no longer any assessment centers in the application process; instead, applicants are selected on the basis of their skills assessment. A telephone interview is followed by a detailed interview with the training coordinator, the works council and the recruiting department.

Janek Tiefel sees only advantages for the company with the KIA course, as the training is faster and it does not mean any additional work for the company. The cooperation between the KIA students and the direct trainees offers enormous advantages for both sides.

After successfully completing their studies, KIA students have the opportunity to apply for vacancies at all Siemens Energy locations. As there is no induction period after the KIA course, graduates have a good chance of being taken on.

Your dual study program at the HSZG!

Would you like to find out more about the dual study program at the HSZG? Then get in touch with , we have all the information you need!

Kristin Groß
Ihre Ansprechperson
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. (FH)
Kristin Groß
Rectorate/Head Office University Development and Communication/Department KIA
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.48
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4811