Target group

This seminar is aimed at management system officers, managers or project managers who wish to introduce or further develop an integrated management system (IMS) in their organization. Previous knowledge of international standards according to the harmonized structure such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 or ISO 50001 is an advantage, but not essential


This seminar provides you with the knowledge you need to identify, evaluate and efficiently utilize the synergies of your existing management systems. The content focuses on

  • The importance of sustainable, integrated corporate management
  • Definition and characteristics of integrated management systems
  • Current status and effects of integrated management systems  
  • ISO management systems and the harmonized structure
  • Integration using the example of the ISO 9001 (quality), ISO 14001 (environment), ISO 45001 (health and safety) and ISO 50001 (energy) standards
  • The different dimensions of integration at system, process and document level
  • Application examples for in-depth study
  • Project phases in the implementation of integration and associated conditions for success

This offer is a cooperation format between the Integrated Management Systems Team (TIMS) of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and SQS, Switzerland, which was developed as part of a practice-oriented educational partnership.

Learning objectives

  • You know the basics and drivers of integrated management systems
  • You know about practical trends and potential benefits of integrated management systems
  • Understand the synergy potential of the harmonized structure of ISO management systems
  • You can establish a link between the normative requirements and the system processes
  • You will be able to carry out the integration in a process-oriented manner (e.g. risk management, internal auditing)
  • You can plan an integration project and know the success factors for this project

Seminar implementation

TIMS lecturers with a wealth of experience and a high level of practical relevance from their professional activities, including as auditors, will guide you through our seminar.

Jana Brauweiler is Professor of Integrated Management Systems at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, where she heads the Integrated Management Systems (TIMS) team. She is responsible for training students on the "Integrated Management Systems" Master's degree course and is the author of various practical books on environmental and occupational health and safety management systems and on auditing management systems. As a consultant and trainer, she supports organizations in the implementation of management systems in day-to-day business and supports the effective implementation of environmental, occupational health and safety, energy and quality management systems and their integration.

Stefanie Kast studied business administration and holds a master's degree in business ethics and CSR management. She is a project member of the TIMS working group at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences with a focus on sustainability and sustainability reporting. As a freelance consultant, she provides organizations with her expertise in the integration of management systems and in the areas of quality, risk, conflict and personnel management.


1-day seminar as a live webinar, 9 am - 4.30 pm          
