The first JuBReg Expert Day took place on November 25
The "Youth Moves Region - Region Moves Youth" or "Youth Vision Action" project aims to bring young people from our region together across borders and develop shared visions. An important step here is to familiarize young people with the region. This happened for the first time on 25 November 2025, when pupils from Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland went on excursions from their artistic workshops at the Großhennersdorf meeting center to exciting places in Lusatia. One of these was the Heckenhof farm in Sohland. HSZG student Elise was there and tells us about her impressions!
In 2025, students from three countries will be artistically active together in various formats (Future Camp, Future Agency, Future Production and Future Congress) and work together to develop visions for the future of the region. We are looking for students to take part in our project. We offer the opportunity to
... and much more. Get in touch with us!