Message details

28. March 2018

WIR tackles structural change

The "Lusatia - Life and Technology" alliance aims to achieve sustainable, innovation-based change.

"WIR! - Change through innovation in the region", a program of the Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF), aims to achieve sustainable, innovation-based structural change. The funding programme is aimed at broad-based regional alliances of companies, universities, research institutions and civil society organizations. Together, the players want to overcome the boundaries of sectors and disciplines and develop new conceptual approaches.

The first funding phase involves the development of sustainable strategies for a region, on the basis of which the project proposal can then be drawn up.

From over 100 outlines submitted, 32 initiatives were selected. These included the alliance consisting of the HSZG, the Plastics Center Oberlausitz of the Fraunhofer IWU, the company ULT AG Kittlitz and the district of Görlitz . A further 30 partners have already signaled their strong interest in working together via a letter of intent.

The first implementation phase will start on April 1st under the leadership of the HSZG. Numerous events, workshops and network meetings will be held to sharpen the objectives. An overall strategy for the development of the region will be developed, taking into account all areas of economic and civil life.
How can we make our region, Lusatia, more attractive? What technological and social innovations can stimulate the economy, enable skilled workers to discover interesting development opportunities and at the same time provide families with an attractive living environment? The partners of the alliance will seek answers to these questions, develop instruments and test formats. Discussion with many stakeholders from business, civil society and administration is a priority in order to benefit from their experiences and needs.

The "Lusatia - Life and Technology" alliance is starting with a good head start, as projects and the continuous cooperation between the partners to date have already examined which technologies are particularly promising for the future and can ensure economic development in Lusatia. Civil society and working environment-related framework conditions were also considered. The alliance partners will build their strategy on the basis of these results and using the findings from the planned workshops and working meetings.

Further information on the funding program:

Photo: Dipl.-Ing. Sabine Scholz
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin
Sabine Scholz
Rectorate / Research Unit
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.64
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4575