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27. February 2024

How much wind and solar can the home cope with?

Dr. Julia Gabler at the "Muskauer Salon Talk" on February 28

Dr. Julia Gabler with Markus Ulbig and Cord Panning at the Muskauer Salon Talk

The expansion of renewable energies is causing a stir in the countryside. Wind turbines and solar mounds have become a familiar sight. But how much can the landscape take? How much do the installations change the image of the countryside? How much technology can a historic landscape take? Or is it all just a question of getting used to it? We want to talk about this at the next Muskauer Salon Talk.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024, 6.15 pm
Green Salon at the Orangery of Bad Muskau Castle

The Muskauer Salon Talk is a cooperation between Neue Lausitz and the Prince Pückler Park Bad Muskau Foundation. We bring together designers, idea generators and decision-makers on current topics in the most beautiful place in Lusatia.

Information and registration

All information about the event is available on the New Lusatia website