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10. August 2021

When a robot uses the 3D printer

In July, interested citizens met science at the events "3D printing in science" and "Robots - the friendly helper at work".

"For a beer with the researcher" is the name of the tried and tested format that repeatedly makes the research of the HSZG visible to interested citizens. Two further events took place on 05.07.2021 and 15.07.2021: "3D printing in science" and "Robots - the friendly helper at work".

The use of 3D printers in science and innovations in production and logistics were clearly explained on site. The 3D printer could be watched live at "work" and Markus Haack and Kevin Mühlan showed many already printed products and components of the printer and answered all questions of the guests.

At the second event, visitors were able to see a robot from the IPM (Institute of Process Engineering, Process Automation and Metrology) live and understand how it can be programmed and controlled to do things. Christian Vogel and Valentin Reinhardt also demonstrated how a robot can "work together" with a 3D printer. They emphasized that it is about human-robot interaction and making heavy work easier through the use of robots and not about endangering jobs. Robots are not only used in industrial production, they are also a matter of course in some care facilities and hospitals. Further application potentials were discussed, questions were answered and in this way citizens came closer to current research in a pleasant round.

Here is a video about the robot by Christian Vogel:

See you again!

The transfer of research to the region and dialog with civil society are among the main objectives of Saxony5 and the Volkshochschule Dreiländereck. This task requires "getting into conversation" and "staying in conversation".

There will be another opportunity to do this in the fall, when the motto is "A beer with the researcher".

So take a look at the HSZG and VHS event calendars and recommend the event to your friends, relatives or neighbors - after all, nobody should be able to claim that they don't know what the university is up to. The events are explicitly aimed at citizens from non-academic backgrounds, people who would otherwise not come to the university.

Photo: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Martin Kunack
Ihre Ansprechperson
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Martin Kunack
Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer
Location manager Saxony5
02763 Zittau
Outer Oybiner Str. 16
Building Z XII, Room 5
2nd floor
+49 3583 612-4793