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23. November 2021

What children need

Handout "Implementation of the education, care and upbringing mandate during a pandemic" published.

The "Handout. Implementation of the education, care and upbringing mandate during a pandemic" was presented to the public at the "What children need" conference organized by the Saxon State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs together with State Minister Piwarz at . The handout is a working aid and a tool to support pedagogical practice under pandemic conditions for child daycare facilities and child daycare centers.

This handout presents the results of the action research project "Challenges for the implementation of the education, care and upbringing mandate during the COVID-19 pandemic" (project duration: 15.11.2020 - 30.11.2021), funded by the Free State of Saxony as part of the SächsKitaQualiRL.

The project was carried out at the Institute for Education, Information and Communication (BIK) at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with the Center for Research, Continuing Education and Consulting at ehs Dresden gGmbH. The authors of the handbook are Andrea G. Eckhardt, Anna-Maria Herrmann, Andrea Joanne Holland, Carl Justus Kröning, Ivonne Zill-Sahm and Maria Zimmer.

Educational professionals, childminders, managers and specialist advisors have had their say in the handbook. Together with parents and children, they have all taken on the challenges of implementing the education, care and upbringing mandate during the COVID-19 pandemic. Together, they have developed viable solutions and strategies for new and completely unknown problems. It was and is a joint effort by all those involved. This handbook represents this extraordinary effort and successful work. It records the practical experiences, places them in a theoretical discourse and derives recommendations for comparable scenarios.

The handbook aims to provide suggestions for a reflective examination of one's own pedagogical practice andleaves the responsible actors scope for decision-making and organization according to the respective local circumstances. In this sense, the handbook is not complete, but invites you to try things out and discuss them and thus to further develop the quality of educational practice.

Where can I read the handout?

The handout as a PDF download and information on how to obtain print copies can be found on the Saxon daycare center education server.

Recording of the conference and the subsequent press conference

YouTube link to the SMK conference "What children need"

YouTube link to the subsequent press conference with Prof. Dr. Andrea Eckhardt

Prof. Andrea Eckhardt
Ihre Ansprechperson
Prof. Dr. phil. habil.
Andrea G. Eckhardt
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 2.03
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4233