Message details

09. June 2021

"Many expect too much from others without contributing themselves"

Prof. Kollmorgen recently commented on the polarizing statements made by the Federal Government Commissioner for Eastern Europe.

Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Raj Kollmorgen has been working as Professor of Management of Social Change at the HSZG and Head of the Master's degree program "Management of Social Change" since March 2013. He has been Vice-Rector Research since March 2020. In addition to these main areas of work and his numerous socio-political advisory activities, such as his current work in the Federal Government's working group "Future Center for European Transformation and German Unity", the renowned sociologist takes the time to answer questions from the media world as an expert.

Whether perspectives on the unification and transformation of Germany or assessments of the ideology and practice of populist and extreme political movements. He is highly valued by the media for his sociological statements and opinions.

Here you can find articles in which Prof. Kollmorgen comments on current, controversial issues.

Why so many young people in the East vote AfD (Sächsische Zeitung, 07.06.2021)

Sociologist: The CDU picks up on the conservative attitude to life of many East Germans - Interview on the election in Saxony-Anhalt (Berliner Zeitung, 07.06.2021)

Debate about East Germany. How can we win more people for democracy? (Deutschlandfunk, 05.06.2021)

"I appreciate the clarity of his message" (Sächsische Zeitung, 03.06.2021)

Photo: Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Raj Kollmorgen
Ihre Ansprechperson
Prof. Dr. phil. habil.
Raj Kollmorgen
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 2.17
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4259