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19. June 2018

Environmental protection in the border triangle

The iTN's series of excursions in the 2018 summer semester ended with the hydrogeological excursion on Dies Academicus.

Conclusion of the excursion series "Environmental protection in the border triangle" in SS 2018 at iTN

As part of the TESEUS project, the Institute for Process Development, Peat and Natural Product Research at the HSZG organized a hydrogeological excursion together with the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Charles University in Prague (KU) to the Podloučky nature reserve near Turnov in the Czech Republic on Dies Academicus.

During this field exercise, the participants had the opportunity to determine hydraulic parameters such as permeability and storage capacity in an aquifer using a pumping test.

The participants, students from the KU Prague and the HSZG, had the opportunity to carry out the tests themselves under the guidance of KU staff. A certain amount of water was pumped out of a well, the lowering of the water level was recorded using a plumb line and probe, and following the field exercises the students were able to evaluate the measured values themselves.

In addition, the participants used a tracer method with a sodium chloride solution to determine flow rates at various water cross-sections. This was also evaluated by the students afterwards.

The hydrogeological excursion on Dies Academicus marked the end of the iTN excursion series in the 2018 summer semester.


Further contents of this series were:

Ø  Function and operation of lysimeters

Ø  Flood protection measures in the border triangle

Ø  Problems and design of a post-mining landscape

Ø  Natural conditions and nature conservation in the Jizera Mountains

Further excursions on these topics took place with the students of Ecology and Environmental Protection in cooperation with Prof. Reiner Schulz, HSZG and the TU Liberec.

04.04.2018: Lysimeter workshop at the iTN in Zittau with a visit to the ZÖF Zittau weighable lysimeter and the iTN lysimeter facility at the Bautzen/Nadelwitz landfill 

05.04.2018: Excursion with a tour of the Neisse flood protection facilities led by Mr. Sebastian Fritze, LTV Saxony

05.04.2018: Excursion with a visit to the "Berzdorfer See" open-cast mine, former open-cast lignite mine, led by members of the "Oberlausitzer Bergleute" association

01.06.2018: Excursion to the Jizerské hory nature reserve, Jizera Mountains, Czech Republic, led by employees of the administration. 

We would like to thank all those who helped with the organization of the events and made them possible in their special knowledge transfer.

Thank you very much - Děkuji mnohokrát!

These events were held as part of the TESEUS project, which is funded by the SN-CZ 2014-2020 - EU program to promote cross-border cooperation between the Free State of Saxony and the Czech Republic. The main objective of the TESEUS project is to bring together different disciplines at different universities in order to create the conditions for improved use of regional environmental resources.

Photo: Dipl.-Ing. Ilona Schönfelder
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin
Ilona Schönfelder
02763 Zittau
Friedrich-Schneider-Strasse 26
Building Z IX, Room 103
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4962