Message details

07. September 2022

Structure change - structure, we change you!

TRAWOS Institute supports alliance conference for more gender equality in structural change.

Structure change - structure, we change you! More gender equality in structural change - On September 16, 2022, the conference of the Alliance of Municipal Equal Opportunities Officers of Lusatia in Structural Change and the Institute for Applied Participation (ifab) e. V. will take place with the support of the TRAWOS Institute as part of the project Transformative Land? Renewal potentials, practices and alliances in regions undergoing structural change from the perspective of women .

Against the background of the scientific findings from the 1990s on the living situation of women in structural change in Lusatia with the known consequences of emigration - and unknown exclusions - we want to draw attention to the situation of women, let them speak and bring their design intentions to the fore.

Graphic: IASS Potsdam

Innovation, participation, representation...

... this is what we are talking about and researching in the current structural change. Depending on the perspective involved, we are sometimes motivated, sometimes desperate and amazed at the answers, but also at the questions that shape the discourse. Let's take a look at this diverse context from the perspective of women, including the opportunities and challenges for their participation in structural change!

The fact that equal opportunities officers from Saxony have been working together with equal opportunities officers from Brandenburg in an alliance since 2020 and inviting them to a conference is not just an example of successful networking by active women who make their voices heard. Rather, the aim is to set an example for political action and raise awareness of gender equality in structural change.

Join us for a change of perspective and find out more about the situation of women in structural change in Lusatia: How can women-driven innovation constellations, networks and initiatives initiate change in our transformation society?

Change your structure! - Let's do it!

When:   September 16, 2022 - 12:00 - 21:00

Where: Restaurant & Hotel Georgenberg, Slamener Höhe 19, 03130 Spremberg

Registration here.

The program can be found here, further information on the TRAWOS page.

Participation is free of charge.


State Equal Opportunities Officer of the State of Brandenburg, Manuela Dörnenburg

TRAWOS Institute of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences

Dr. Julia Gabler

Platform F for Force

The project "Transformative Land? Renewal potentials, practices and alliances in regions undergoing structural change from the perspective of women", led by Dr. Julia Gabler, is funded by the Saxon State Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism (SMWK).

This measure is co-financed with tax funds on the basis of the budget approved by the members of the Saxon State Parliament.

Photo: Dipl.-Sozialwiss. Sinziana Schönfelder
Ihre Ansprechperson
Sinziana Schönfelder
Institute for Transformation, Housing and Social Spatial Development
02826 Görlitz
Parkstrasse 2
Building G VII, Room 318
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4671