Message details

19. October 2023

Srdečně vítám Lukasi!

A warm welcome to Lukas Vesely! He has been part of the ZIRKON team since 1.10.2023

Hello Lukas,

You are actually already an "old hand" at the HSZG and at the institute. You completed your Bachelor's degree in Ecology and Environmental Protection at Faculty N and then successfully completed your Master's degree in Energy and Environmental Technology at Faculty M. We know you from the phase of your practical semester and Bachelor's thesis, which you wrote in the field of recycling at the Institute. We are delighted that you are now supporting the Process Development and Recycling working group as an employee.

Why did you study in Zittau?

"I started my studies in Zittau because the Ecology and Environmental Protection course with its special focus on environmental technologyparticularly appealed to me. I was also captivated by the relaxed atmosphere of this small town and its close proximity to nature."

"During my studies, I particularly appreciated the many opportunities to try things out and put ideas into practice. The course offered enough space to develop my creativity and gain practical experience. Above all, practical activities in seminars and excursions enabled me to experience and deepen my knowledge at first hand. During my activities as a student assistant, I was able to take on small work tasks and thus explore the world of research at first hand. In addition, my studies gave me the opportunity to get involved in student committees and actively contribute to shaping the study environment. These aspects enriched my studies and gave me valuable practical insights into various subject areas."

"During my studies, I was particularly surprised by the endless amount of knowledge that I didn't have yet, but somehow had to learn for the exams. The beginnings were quite demanding, but gradually the effort turned into curiosity. I had the opportunity to immerse myself in the subjects that particularly fascinated me. The university offered a surprising number of opportunities for further education in addition to the actual studies, including the career service.

Looking back, I find it amazing how short the study period felt, even though I had many intensive experiences and took advantage of many opportunities to try out numerous new things."

"One aspect that I think could be improved is the way teaching is delivered. Long lectures are not necessarily my favorite, and I think that interactive seminars could provide a better opportunity to respond more to students' individual needs. This could increase student participation and make learning more effective.

What motivated you to apply for the research topic of novel plastics?

"My strongest motivation comes from my curiosity and my willingness to take on new challenges. My experience, which I was able to gain both through student assistantships at ZIRKON and as part of my Bachelor's thesis, extends to the fields of mechanical process engineering, substitute fuels and natural fiber-reinforced plastics. This experience formed a solid basis for working on my current research topic.

What I particularly enjoy about the 'Novel Plastics' project is the variety of work, which requires a balancing act between basic scientific research and the practical implementation of experimental studies. I also appreciate the opportunity to participate in various projects, to continuously learn and at the same time to promote sustainability by researching environmentally friendly materials."

Describe your project task for outsiders in 5 words!

"Development of super-plastic natural fiber lightweight components and circular economy capability."

Describe the first weeks of your first job after training at the institute in 5 words!

"First job chapter: plastic adventure begins."

Zittau is surrounded by beautiful mountains, lakes and nice neighbors.

What's your tip for a nice evening with your colleagues?

"In a town like Zittau, which is surrounded by beautiful nature, you could go on a hike together through the Zittau mountains. This activity could optionally be supplemented by a picnic. For culinary delights, you could consider a barbecue evening together at Lake O. If the weather is sunny and the days are long, there is also the option of hiring boats at the lake and learning to sail together. In Zittau you will not only find the beauty of nature, but also a selection of hospitable restaurants, including bars with fine drinks and stylish wine cellars where you can enjoy exotic specialties as well as wine."

"In my free time I like to be outdoors, enjoying nature in the garden, gardening and working on my own projects in a small workshop. To balance out an office day, I like to play volleyball, go jogging or do short outdoor sports activities. I often do activities together with my flatmates, whether it's cooking, cozy campfire evenings or just relaxing in the living room. At some weekends, we explore the Zittau Mountains or other cities together. In addition to my professional activities and my shared flat life, I have been a volunteer at the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) in the specialist group N. The THW provides important assistance in emergencies and protects people and property. To maintain our operational readiness, we take part in regular training and exercises, usually at weekends. I really appreciate working for the THW because it allows me to put my willingness to help into practice, work with impressive equipment and be part of the warm 'Blue Family'."

"I moved from Hameln to Zittau in 2017. I originally come from the gingerbread town of Pardubice."

Quick round of questions!

Coffee or tea? +++ Tea

Black or colorful? +++ colorful

Order fanatic or chaotic?  +++ order fanatic

Mail or phone call? +++ Call

PC or technical center? +++ Technical center

Right or left thumbs? +++ right thumbs

Stadium or couch?  +++ Stadium

Mauke or mashed potatoes? +++ after a short pruning: Mashed potatoes (we'll have to wait and see)

Globules or aspirin?  +++ globules

Snooze or get up? +++ stand up

0.5 or 0.33? +++ 0.5 (one would not have expected otherwise with these genes)

vegan sausage or no sausage? +++ vegan sausage

Locomotion with or without motor? +++ with

on red or on green? +++ green

Beer or wine? +++ Beer (was also clear :-) )

Go or stay? +++ leave

I took you by surprise with the questions in the corridor - that was a really VERY quick QUESTION ROUND.

Thank you for answering our questions right after the institute breakfast round .
