Message details

28. July 2020

For an emission-free future

Progress is being made with the hydrogen scooter

The frame has been assembled, the electronic components have been wired and mounted, and the sensors for the planned autonomous driving have been installed.  The hydrogen scooter, a joint project between Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and Fraunhofer IWU, has made good progress since spring. Originally started as a student project, the semester project was taken up and parts of it have now been put into operation.

What is still missing?

The centerpiece for autonomous driving: the control technology. For example, the handlebars cannot yet turn independently. The end product should clearly demonstrate the range of different areas of expertise that the HSZG and the Fraunhofer IWU can cover in the important technologies of today and tomorrow. The expertise ranges from mechatronics, design, electrical engineering and programming to image recognition using artificial intelligence.

An in-house electrolysis station will be used to refuel the scooter for short test laps in the parking lot near Building 7. 

Ihr Ansprechpartner
Sebastian Schmidt
Institute of Process Engineering, Process Automation and Metrology
Measurement technology / process automation
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 8
Building Z IVc, Room C1.12
Upper floor
+49 3583 612-4727