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19. December 2022

Visiting professor in Kazakhstan out of conviction

HSZG Professor Roland Giese teaches "International Experience in Management" to doctoral students at TURAN University in Almaty.

From 26.09.2022 to 04.10.2022, the regular course "International Experience in Management" for doctoral students took place at TURAN University in Almaty. This event is traditionally held by visiting professor Dr. Roland Giese from the Faculty of Management and Cultural Studies.

Prof. Roland Giese is an honorary professor at TURAN University and also a member of the University Council of the HSZG. The long-standing successful cooperation between the two universities is particularly evident in the academic exchange of students and staff from research and teaching.

The course "International Experience in Management" takes place in the form of modules, some of which are hybrid. It mainly focuses on strategic management issues in the field of university management and science management. In particular, it deals with aspects of environment analysis and strategic conclusions for goal setting in a constantly transforming society.

This year, 15 doctoral students successfully took part in the event.

Photo: Prof. Roland Giese Doctoral students who are active as research assistants at TURAN University and Shimkent State University, among others.

Doctorate successfully completed

TURAN University is authorized to carry out doctoral procedures. According to Kazakh law, this requires special accreditation by the Ministry of Science. At the same time, TURAN University is also fully accredited by the European accreditation agency AQUINN.

With the cooperation of Prof. Giese, another doctoral procedure was successfully completed. This is particularly pleasing because, unlike other degrees, the defense of doctorates in Kazakhstan continues to be face-to-face events, and such events were suspended for a long time due to corona.

Ms. Vilena Seitova was able to successfully defend her doctorate on the topic: "Economic evaluation of innovation processes in regional companies" and is now working as a lecturer at the state university in Shimkent. In cooperation with the University of TURAN, Prof. Giese has now successfully completed 8 doctoral procedures.

Photo: Prof. Roland Giese Prof. Giese and Dr. Seitova during a technical discussion.

Global research - local use

On September 29 and 30, 2022, the German-Kazakh University in Almaty held a scientific-practical conference on issues relating to the ecological energy supply of the future. An established brand was used as a conference identifier, ENERGETIKA 21, an event that originally took place in St. Petersburg and deals with economic, political and ecological issues related to energy technology problems for the 21st century This year, the main question discussed was - How can CO2 be reduced through the use of H2?

Prof. Kusakbekov reported on the fact that hydrogen is a by-product of every peaceful use of nuclear technology. The capture and use of this hydrogen can make a contribution to the environmental economy. So far, it has not been used because the appropriate infrastructure is lacking.
Another area of discussion was the production and use of hydrogen. Several European companies want to produce hydrogen in Kazakhstan due to low energy prices and favorable state subsidies. However, the potential users of this hydrogen are located in Europe. This raises the question of how hydrogen can be transported to Europe.

Hydrogen can be liquefied, but this is very expensive. However, it can then be transported in refrigerated systems. Alternatively, hydrogen can be converted into hydrogen-rich chemical compounds such as CH4 (methane, natural gas) or NH3 (ammonia). These substances can then be transported cost-effectively via existing pipelines. On site, they are then converted back into hydrogen - making ecological use possible.

In addition to Kazakh and Russian specialists, representatives from many European countries also took part in this conference.

Photo: Prof. Roland Giese Prof. Giese. and Prof. Wassilienko, Vice-Rector for International Affairs at UNECON (St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance), as co-organizers of the event.
Photo: Prof. Dr. oec. Dr. h. c. Roland Giese
Ihre Ansprechperson
Prof. Dr. oec. Dr. h. c.
Roland Giese
Faculty of Management and Cultural Studies
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 3
Building G IV, Room 2.15
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4414