The brochure "ENKOR: Engagement in rural areas - forms and constellations" is now available online and in print.
Engagement hopping, patchwork engagement, the death of associations, the trend towards less obligatory engagement and the dismantling of hierarchies are terms and descriptions that are currently frequently used when talking about civic engagement.
What has changed in the way people participate publicly? What is happening in clubs, volunteer fire departments and initiatives, i.e. between soccer, blue lights, churches and rabbits?
Teams from the Georg August University of Göttingen, the TRAWOS Institute at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and the Thünen Institute for Regional Development have jointly investigated civic engagement in nine rural communities in eastern and western Germany.
We asked ourselves the following questions: What characterizes civic engagement in rural areas today with its specific challenges? Which forms of engagement and actor constellations can be identified? What are the factors that promote and hinder civic engagement in rural areas ? What recommendations for action can be derived from this?
The most important answer in advance: civic engagement comes in many colors and forms. It is extremely lively, characterized by a wide variety of actors, activities and formats - and takes on important tasks, especially in rural areas. Our research results give us courage and hope. Let them inspire you!
... and is available here for download as a pdf and as a printed copy from the TRAWOS Institute. We hope you enjoy reading it!