Message details

26. February 2024

Navigating in uncertain times - social crises and how to shape them

Lecture series in cooperation with the TRAWOS Institute starts in March

Lecture series of the Master Management of Social Change and Master Social Gerontology in cooperation with the TRAWOS Institute starts on March 21, 2024

The lecture series is for all students and teaching staff, but especially for the Master's in Management of Social Change & Master's in Social Gerontology and the Faculty of Social Sciences. In cooperation with the VHS Görlitz. HSZG students are expected in the lecture hall. Guests are also welcome to attend the lectures live in the lecture hall!

After each 45-60 minute lecture, there will be an opportunity for discussion with the speaker and the audience.

Time: Thursdays, 16:15 - 17:45

Location: 3.02, House GI

Participation is free of charge and registration is not required. The specific dates and any other venues can be found in the TRAWOS events calendar .

Your contact at TRAWOS

Photo: Dr. phil. Julia Gabler
Dr. phil.
Julia Gabler
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 2.21
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4264