Message details

08. July 2024

IMISCOE 2024: Research on forced migration in Bosnia

TRAWOS member Jan Schaller presents research internationally at the 21st Annual IMISCOE Conference in Lisbon.

Last week (02.-05.07.2024), TRAWOS member and member of the Elitenmonitor research project Jan Schaller attended the 21st Annual IMISCOE Conference in Lisbon. He presented his research on the local situation for refugees in Bosnia on a panel entitled "Local responses for (forced) migrants in times of crisis". His presentation "Local Migration Governance in Crisis: The Case of Forced Migrants in Bihać, Bosnia" focused on the special political and historical constellations of the Una-Sana region, which, as a result of the Bosnian war, have created special conditions that are still effective today and make the context of arrival particularly precarious from a humanitarian point of view.


IMISCOE (International Migration Research Network) claims to be the largest interdisciplinary network of researchers in the field of migration research. The research network currently consists of 69 research institutes from various countries around the world and from different disciplines such as sociology, political science, anthropology, economics, law, demography, public administration, geography and history.

Your contact person

Jan Schaller
Institute for Transformation, Housing and Social Spatial Development
02826 Görlitz
Parkstrasse 2
Building G VII, Room 319
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4489