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02. May 2024

Lena Wehnert starts in the junior researcher project HANFWURZEL

Welcome Lena ! Since 1.4.24 the junior research team is complete with Lena Wehnert

Hello Lena,

Without joking, you started the "serious side of professional life" at the beginning of April and are working as a junior researcher in the "Hemp Root" project - why are you focusing on the root when everyone finds the flowers exciting?

I studied "Molecular Biotechnology" in my Bachelor's degree and then "Pharmaceutical Biotechnology" in my Master's degree at the HSZG. I am therefore particularly well versed in the fields of molecular biology and genetics. I was also able to acquire extensive knowledge in the field of pharmacy and pharmaceutical law during my Master's degree.

The project is about identifying, extracting and analyzing potential active ingredients in hemp roots. The literature shows that hemp roots contain a large number of secondary substances that are of medical interest. In preparation for this, cultivation sites must be selected and the hemp roots harvested from these at specific times. My area of responsibility here specifically includes cultivation and sampling. I also dealt with plant roots in my Master's thesis. However, it was about the adventitious roots of petunias, in particular the effect of a phytohormone (jasmonic acid) on the adventitious roots of petunia cuttings.

In addition to me, there are two other young scientists in the team, Jennifer Dutschke and Lukás Veselý. We are also supported by our mentors Prof. Fester, Prof. Wiche, Prof. Mollitor, Prof. Heidger and Prof. Kretzschmar.

The aim of the project is to identify, extract and analyze new active ingredients from the roots of industrial hemp. The spectrum of active ingredients will be investigated during plant growth and in relation to different soils, varieties and locations.

As a young scientist, you haven't been out of the lecture hall for that long .... What do you enjoy working on?

I really enjoy evaluating experiments using statistics. It's always a good feeling to see whether an experiment was successful or not. But I also really enjoy working on experiments in the lab. Working with in vitro plant cultures is very interesting, as is carrying out DNA/RNA extractions and analyzing them using qPCR.

During my practical semester, I worked at EUROIMMUN AG in Rennersdorf. I worked on the production of recombinant antibodies using phage display.

During my internship as part of my Master's thesis, I worked at the Research Center for Horticultural Crops in Erfurt. Here I investigated the influence of jasmonic acid on the in-vitro adventitious root development of petunias. The aim was to investigate whether and how jasmonic acid influences the root regeneration phases of cuttings.

Zittau is surrounded by wonderful mountains, lakes and nice neighbors. Have you already had the opportunity to explore some of it?

I moved to Zittau in 2017 as part of my studies and I am very happy with this decision. I'm originally from Dresden, which isn't too far from here.

I spend most of my free time reading or crocheting. My daily walks have also been one of my favorite pastimes for over six months. From time to time I also like to go hiking in the Zittau Mountains or in Saxon Switzerland.

The Osee is one of my favorite places. It always feels like you're in the mountains and by the sea at the same time.

You've been at the institute for a month now - how was your start?

I've settled in well with the team. This was mainly due to the fact that I already knew Jennifer Dutschke from my Master's degree, so we've been in contact with each other for a while. But the other colleagues have also all been very friendly and helpful to me so far.

The transition from studying to working life wasn't a big change, and since it's been a good nine months since I graduated, I've had enough time to relax and I'm now also happy about the variety that everyday working life offers me. The biggest difference is the longer working hours. During my studies, I never had lectures or internships for 8 hours at a time, but I've already gotten used to that. So far, I haven't done anything that I don't like per se. Of course, it would be nice to do more practical work, but that will come soon enough. It's normal to do a lot of research at the beginning of a research project.

Quick round of questions!

  1. Coffee or tea?
  2. Black or colorful?
  3. Warm or cold?
  4. Cat or dog?
  5. German or Czech? kitchen?
  6. Tidy or chaotic?
  7. Mail or phone call?
  8. PC or technical center?  preferably in the lab
  9. Stadium or couch?
  10. Vegan sausage or no sausage?
  11. Beer or wine?
  12. Half full or half empty?
  13. Mountains or sea?
  14. Winter or summer?
  15. Book or ball?
  16. To go or to stay?


Thank you very much for your detailed answers.

See you soon for the institute round
