Message details

17. February 2020

Focus on agriculture

Farmers and scientists discuss biodiversity

The topic of agriculture is currently very present in the media and on the streets. It also played a role at the HSZG on February 11. For the presentation of research results by Dipl. Ing.agr. Jana Dörnchen-Neumann and Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Samantha Kühnel welcomed nine farmers to the Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences. Last year, the two researchers wanted to find out how high the plant diversity is on ecological priority areas designated as part of the GREENINGS program. With the mediation of the farmers' association, they were given the trust of the farms - on the condition that "the areas are not immediately declared a biotope if a skylark is found."

The two researchers presented the results of their investigations, which were carried out on a total of 36 selected areas on 10 farms in the Görlitz district. It was pleasing to see how many different measures are already being implemented by conventionally managed farms in the region to increase biodiversity: Field, erosion control, forest and water edge strips, flowering areas, fallow land, late-mown meadows... And so several declining or endangered plant species were also found in the fields and meadows. From Jana Dörnchen-Neumann's point of view, there is much more to be done, but she was very pleased with the results.

Demands for more biodiversity on agricultural land currently have a certain explosive force. Above all, farms have to think economically and are subject to numerous regulatory constraints that leave them little entrepreneurial freedom. For the time being, researchers are only committed to science and the conservation of biodiversity. It was therefore all the better that the discussion took place in an open atmosphere and that the views of others were respected. In addition to grievances such as nutrient discharges from agricultural land or overly intensive grassland use, possible solutions were also discussed, e.g. greater use of funding opportunities and better application of the GREENINGS instruments. The debate reflected the entire spectrum of the current discussion on agriculture: fertilizer regulations and nitrate in groundwater, buying up agricultural land as an investment, insect protection and pest control, low returns for agricultural products, etc. The discussion also made it clear that it is not so easy for local agriculture to operate successfully under a wide variety of legal frameworks, such as EU funding law, nature conservation law, water law, pollution control regulations, etc., while at the same time meeting all the requirements placed on it by various stakeholders.

After a short lunch break, Andreas Jedzig reported on his work as a C1 agricultural advisor and offered the farmers present the opportunity to make greater use of his free advice on nature conservation issues.

In the end, everyone was of the same opinion - there is a need for many more such events where the various interest groups come together. And next time, perhaps not only farmers and researchers, but also representatives from politics, authorities, administration and associations. Because once again, it was clear that talking to each other creates trust and mutual understanding.

The research and the event were funded by the SMWK and Saxony5.

Text: Martin Kunack

A woman stands in front of a blackboard and speaks.
Photo: Martin Kunack Jana Dörnchen-Neumann presents the results of the study.
Photo: Dipl.-Agr.-Ing. Jana Dörnchen-Neumann
Ihr Ansprechpartner
Jana Dörnchen-Neumann
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
02763 Zittau
Lausitzer Weg 2
Building Z VIIe, Room 17.1
First floor
+49 3583 612-4910
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
02763 Zittau
Külzufer 2
Building Z VI, Room 10
First floor
+49 3583 612-4910