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13. September 2016

KIA at the meeting point: HSZG in Weißwasser

Event on cooperative engineering education at the HSZG

KIA - cooperative studies was the topic of the 6th theme evening on September 1, 2016 at Treffpunkt: HSZG in Weißwasser. Interested students and their parents accepted the invitation to receive helpful tips and additional information on the application process and KIA procedures. The university's KIA representative, Mr. Paetzold, was on hand to answer questions. He was supported by Mr. Hoffmann, advisor for academic professions at the Bautzen Employment Agency, Mr. Sawicki from the Dresden Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Mr. T. Schneider from the Dresden Chamber of Crafts, Mr. Hörtinger, power plant manager at VATTENFALL AG, KIA graduate Mr. Rehle and KIA student Tobias Köther from Kreisel GmbH & Co KG.
The following topics relating to career, study and company selection, applications, studying and living in Zittau were discussed:
Career and company selection
Information on KIA studies is available from the Bautzen employment agency, Weißwasser branch. The partner companies register vacant training places there. It makes sense to make an appointment for appropriate personal advice around 18 months before the application phase.
The following events are ideal for getting to know each other, finding out information and making contacts:
-     The Education Action Day organized by the IHK will take place in Dresden on 24.09.2016.
-     The HSZG University Information Day will take place on 12.01.2017,
-     the KarriereStart trade fair in Dresden from 20.01.2017 to 22.01.2017 and
-     the Insidertreff in Löbau on 20.05.2017.
The application for a KIA training place at the chosen company should be submitted by September/October of the year before the start of the course. For companies that are not yet listed as KIA partners, ask whether this possibility could exist.
Small companies in particular can be very attractive because they occupy niches and can therefore be very successful.
Once a company has been selected, it makes sense to complete an internship there in advance. This gives you an impression of the company and allows you to determine whether training at this company is suitable for you. Once the training contract has been signed, nothing stands in the way of applying for the KIA course at the HSZG.
The alternation between studies and training consists of a 4-week rhythm.
The basic course lasts 2 ½ years and then you can decide which specialization you would like to complete. It depends on your own goal and the respective company whether you want a bachelor's or diploma degree.
After the Bachelor's or Diplom degree, there is the option of a Master's degree (also interdisciplinary, e.g. business administration or project management). Here, too, it is important to coordinate with the needs of the company.
Additional qualifications can be acquired during a KIA course, for example driver safety training at the Lausitzring or TÜV certificates after courses on occupational safety and SPS. The engineering communication course (with martial arts workshop) is also offered as a weekend event.
Advantages of the KIA degree course

  • A career start without a training period, you know your colleagues and the company with all its processes. More practice-oriented and varied than direct studies alone
  • Additional skilled worker qualification
  • Remuneration from the company for financial independence
  • Excellent career opportunities
  • Calculable risks (skilled worker degree in the middle of studies as a "security level")

Living in Zittau
It is possible to apply for a room in a hall of residence, or alternatively accommodation in one of the housing association's "KIA houses". It has the advantage of being among "like-minded people" with whom you can learn and, according to our graduate, this strengthens the ability to work in a team.
The leisure activities in the town itself and its surroundings with the Zittau Mountains and Lake Olbersdorf, as well as the proximity to the neighboring countries, were found to be very good.
What if the degree is in danger
If the degree cannot be completed, there is the possibility, after consultation, to finish the skilled worker. And if you drop out completely, the HWK says it is happy to show you a career in the skilled trades.
Towards the end, a returnee (Mr. G. Schneider) reported on the career opportunities in Lusatia, who said that he could not save himself from good offers and that it is therefore worth coming back, but that it also makes sense to look further afield.
In summary, those present agreed that motivation and performance are required for a KIA course. Everyone has to decide for themselves what they want and where they want to go in order to follow their own path.
After there were no more questions, the evening ended in a relaxed atmosphere with the invitation to the students: "Go away, but come back."

More information:


Katrin Reinke
