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04. June 2021

Historic construction meets digitalization

The IZU's unique offer met with great interest at the Open House Day.

They are the eye-catcher par excellence in our Upper Lusatian region and make every architect's heart beat faster. Last Sunday, May 30th, this year's Open Day of the Umgebindehaus once again attracted numerous visitors to the unique online platform of the Umgebindehaus Information Center (IZU).

In addition to exciting online presentations, interested visitors also found new animations, a virtual village, VR applications, 3D prints and much more about this regional building style.

The special feature: Everything is based on student work from the Housing and Real Estate Management course.

What makes us unique

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Worbs is head of the IZU. In this interview, he describes who is behind the information center, what makes the web platform so unique and what role its services can play for future master carpenters.

Prof. Worbs, what is the Open House Day?

The Umgebindehaus Open House Day always takes place on the last Sunday in May. This is when dedicated owners of Umgebinde houses in Upper Lusatia and the neighboring regions in Poland and the Czech Republic open their houses to the interested public.

For those who still have no idea what it is. What exactly are Umgebinde houses?

The half-timbered houses are the face of the villages of Upper Lusatia and a special variety of historical buildings that can only be found in such a concentration in our border triangle. The log parlors, which are "surrounded" by a half-timbered construction in front of them, are special.

What is the connection to the HSZG?

The Umgebindehaus Information Center (IZU) is located at the HSZG. We are the scientific point of contact when it comes to Umgebindehäuser. Our focus is on the specialist topics of construction, building physics, digitalization and real estate in rural areas. And we are on site, right where the Umgebinde houses are. I own one myself ;-).

Who is behind the Umgebindehaus Information Center (IZU)?

We are a team of committed people from the Faculty of Economics and Industrial Engineering. Dr. Vogel, Mr. Jan Fallgatter, Mr. Tom Walter, Mr. André Hennig and I are involved in the project, which was initiated by Prof. Schurig. But we would be nothing without our housing and real estate students. With a great deal of hard work and commitment, they create the objects in virtual space that we can use so wonderfully in teaching and also in our public image.

What impact does the IZU have on the public?

We have set up the module "The Upper Lusatian Umgebindehaus" for guest students. We organize lecture evenings and are represented in regional foundations, associations and societies. But we mainly work through our website. There we link the historic buildings with the digital world. This offering is unique.

What makes this website so unique?

We offer in-depth specialist information about the Umgebindehaus online. We complement this with the digitalization of the historic buildings in a realistic level of detail. We serve a very broad spectrum in this area. Starting with the virtual half-timbered housein which all specialist trades are treated separately, to the house tours recorded with point clouds or photogrammetrically. house tourswhich enable a complete inspection. Carpentry-style timber constructions can also be dismantled and reassembled in virtual space. We print all models and details are printed in 3D . Right up to our fully functional loomwhich can be moved at will in virtual space during operation. This can be very entertaining for the viewer.

Is the bottom line just entertainment instead of knowledge transfer?

Every single citizen that we can sensitize to the special features and value of the Umgebinde houses is worth it! We can see from the constant number of clicks that our specialist information, such as in the renovation handbook, the research reports and the lecture evening scripts, is obviously a valuable help, especially for owners and craftsmen who are working on the specific property. The training center of the construction industry in Bautzen has become aware of our virtual carpentry assembly of wooden structures and has encouraged us and expressed the desire to expand this offer for master carpenter training and make it public.

What plans do you have for the future of IZU?

We still have plenty of ideas and motivation. I would like a little more time and solid resources. In heritage conservation, especially applied building research, third-party funding is rare.

Are there any current projects that you would like to mention?

There is currently an exciting cooperation with our computer science students in Görlitz under the direction of Mr. Rönisch. Our IT experts are currently busy programming. In addition, the ZfL module "The Upper Lusatian Umgebinde House" will grow out of our Karl Bernert College, which has been offered for many years and has attracted public attention, from the coming semester. This course is also open to guest students and interested members of the public. The program can be found on our website.

The website of the Umgebindehaus Information Center (IZU) provides all the information you need about Umgebindehäuser:

Photo: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Worbs
Ihre Ansprechperson
Prof. Dipl.-Ing.
Thomas Worbs
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z II, Room 6
First floor
+49 3583 612-4622
+49 3583 612-3809