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15. March 2022

A warm welcome

Marie Mühlich and Marc Krech have been supporting the ZIRKON team since February 2022

Two young faces joined ZIRKON in February - Marie Mühlich and Marc Krech. Since we can't see each other in a big group, here's a little introduction so you know who's behind the names.  We arranged to meet at CELSIUZ to chat over coffee in inspiring surroundings.

A few questions to warm you up:

What's your favorite place to spend your time?

Marc: In nature               Marie: Wrapped up in a blanket with a warm cup of tea and a book in my hand  OR in nature/the forest.

What would be the title of your autobiography?

Marc: Life happens (with the kind support of "mein wahres")  Marie: Find the Balance

Which game show could you win?

Mark: "Small vs. big"  Marie: My own ;)

Which book would you read again?

Marc: The Hobbit  Marie: Which one! Eragon, The Café at the Edge of the World, Harry Potter, Dalai Lama ....

How many housemates does your household have?

Marc: 1                 Marie: 21

How many of them have fur?

Marc: 0             Marie: 2

Where have you been and where do you really want to go?

Marc: I've already been to Scandinavia and I really want to go to Alaska.

Marie: South Africa, Argentina, Uruguay, Spain, Russia.... Destinations: S Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Ireland.

What three things are you most looking forward to in your working week?

Marc: Colleagues, work tasks in the lab and good food in the canteen

Marie: I. Completing more tasks = the feeling of making progress  II. Conversations with my colleagues III. Learning new things

What should never be missing from your plate?

Marc: Meat               Marie: Something green

You both studied here - what attracted you to study in Zittau?

Marc: The university of applied sciences is informal and well organized, so you quickly get to know your fellow students and lecturers. It's easier to concentrate on your studies. The course I wanted to study here was "Energy and Environmental Technology" with the aim of being able to operate processes using renewable energies. I was able to maintain my friendships from school and my home town.

Marie: A person is not just a number, an anonymous number. After a year in London, I'd had enough of that.

How did you like your first few weeks at ZIRKON?

Marc: My first few weeks at ZIRKON confirmed the positive impression of Zittau University that I had already gained during my studies. My colleagues were courteous and friendly from day one. Especially in the initial phase, this immediately broke the ice and I was able to concentrate on familiarizing myself with my new field of work. I have the impression that you find a great working environment here that motivates you but also challenges you at the same time. You can contribute your existing knowledge and always learn something new thanks to the variety of scientific disciplines represented, and you can exchange ideas and network.

Marie: Very good, the team is wonderful, more than enough work infrastructure has been and is provided. The variety of projects is astonishing and made my head spin at first, but that has since subsided.

Upper Lusatia with the cities of Zittau and Görlitz has many attractions - nature, art, culture, sport. If you could wish for 2 things for the region today - what would they be?

Marc: I would love a campsite in the Zittau Mountains close to nature! Music events with lots of different live bands would be great. I've really missed that in the last two years.

Marie: That everyone here has a strong sense of empathy and that we can enjoy the most flexible/fastest public transport network in the world.

Marc is working on LaNDER³ Impulse Project 7 (Recycling) , where he will be investigating the recyclability of fiber-reinforced plastics with a biopolymer matrix. To this end, he will often be at the NIR sorting machine in the LaNDER³ technical center or working in the laboratories. Marie Mühlich is working on the life cycle of building materials in the BioNET project.  

Quick question round Marc
... Coffee or tea? Tea ... Mountains or sea? Mountains ... Butn or potatoes? Butn ... spicy or sweet? Spicy ... pub or cocktail bar? Pub ... office or technical center/laboratory? Laboratory ... Library or Internet? Internet ... Canteen or "bread box"? Canteen ....Packaged organic cucumber or plastic-free conventional cucumber? plastic-free ... Mail or phone call? Mail
Quick question round Marie
... Coffee or tea? Tea ... Mountains or sea? Mountains ... Butn or potatoes? Butn ... spicy or sweet? Spicy ... pub or cocktail bar? at Emil I have both :-) ... office or technical center/laboratory? Office ... library or internet? Internet ... canteen or "breadbox"? Breadbox ....Wrapped organic cucumber or plastic-free conventional cucumber? Organic cucumber ... Mail or phone call? Call