Message details

01. August 2016

Research at smaller universities

Joint scientific workshop on the research situation with an outlook for the future.

The optimization of research conditions, the development of needs-based support services and the assurance of quality standards for research services were the topics of the workshop, which was jointly organized and carried out by the universities of education in Baden-Württemberg and the universities of applied sciences in Saxony (HAW) .

How do those involved navigate the tension between central restrictions and requirements, internal university framework conditions and their own research aspirations?

The topic is exciting for anyone who works academically in organizational development, has to deal with the needs and shortcomings on a daily basis and feels the need for optimization. It is also exciting for anyone who works in the management of a higher education institution, which nowadays has to meet all requirements in teaching and research. The range of participants was correspondingly broad - chancellors, rectors, research officers, but also representatives of research institutes from all German-speaking countries were present. 

Firstly, the results of the two projects "Quality Management in Research at Saxon Universities of Applied Sciences" (QM-F) and "Workshop: Quality in Research - Optimization of Support and Service Processes" (QuiF) were presented to the plenum and discussed. and discussed. Key problems were already identified - and these formed the basis for the lively professional exchange and the very constructive discussion in the afternoon.

Universities are facing the same problem: on the one hand, the drive for research and transfer is increasing and the targets for this are becoming ever more specific. Statistical surveys are becoming more extensive and evaluations more demanding. Competition for funding is becoming tougher and the administrative burden is increasing enormously. 

On the other hand, there is a lack of resources for research to support activities and relieve researchers of accompanying tasks. Project funding and short-term grants are just the familiar drops in the ocean.

These problems were then discussed in more detail in the afternoon.

Workshop discussions and a World Café focused on the following questions:

  • What is the range of research support services at the institutions concerned? How are the relevant stakeholders integrated into the organization's structures and processes?
  • How can different research areas and approaches (third-party funded research, theory-based, empirical research, etc.) be made visible and further developed at small universities? What does this mean for the area of research funding and the role definition of science and research management staff?
  • How are processes designed by those involved in research administration and quality assurance in research? To what extent does this contribute to the establishment of research culture(s)?

In summary, it can be said that universities face the same challenges in order to maintain and expand their research activities and accelerate the transfer to industry. Networking and cooperation between the institutions serve to lend more weight to the demands for stable and sustainable funding. However, it is also possible to benefit from the experience of others when developing instruments and measures for research funding.

If the HSZG positions itself to develop and stabilize its own research management and anchor it sustainably in the university structure, we can continue to be among the pioneers when it comes to strategy in research work at universities of applied sciences.

Photo: Dipl.-Ing. Sabine Scholz
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin
Sabine Scholz
Rectorate / Research Unit
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.64
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4575