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24. November 2015

The Science Year 2015/16 is open!

Kick-off event on the topic: "IT security in a social and entrepreneurial context"

Scientific conferences, meetings and workshops enrich teaching and research life at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. The academic year, which is also rich in interesting events in the 2015/16 academic year, was opened on November 11 with an extremely successful event on the topic of "IT security in a social and entrepreneurial context".

In his welcoming address, the Rector of the university, Prof. Dr. phil. Friedrich Albrecht, also took up the idea. What does Industry 4.0 mean - and is it a curse or a blessing for the economy? How can virtually globally networked production and data security risks be reconciled?

Prof. Jörg Lässig then delved into the specialist subject with his presentation - and provided astonishing and quite frightening examples of hacker attacks. These attacks not only involve the destruction of computer hardware, but also very serious manipulation of motor vehicles, among other things.

The keynote speaker at the event, Prof. Martin Gaedke from Chemnitz University of Technology, described his own development  - from a hacker at school who cracked the teacher's password to an IT specialist in Chemnitz and Karlsruhe. It was demonstrated what IT security means in 2015 and in which areas noteworthy developments can be expected in the near future and what consequences this may have.

Prof. Martin Gaedke von der TU Chemnitz

Karsten Jähnigen, who develops cloud-based service solutions for companies at his company Solid Servision, presented the prospects for the industry. He confirmed that many companies are still very skeptical about the development of data storage and use.

Karsten Jähnigen

Start-up perspective: Prof. Klaus ten Hagen, professor at the HSZG with an appointment in "Databases" and  co-founder of Kiana Analytics based in Görlitz, reported on his entrepreneurial activities in collecting and evaluating data. In particular, he was able to report impressive findings in the area of marketing (retail and tourism). For example, how smartphone data is used to record visitor flows in an amusement park and how specific offers are placed on the basis of this knowledge. How e-mail addresses are collected and used for targeted communication with customers and how it is possible to analyze purchasing behavior in retail and place advertising tools accordingly.

Prof. Klaus ten Hagen

In the panel discussion with Prof. Marietta Spangenberg, Prof. Martin Gaedke, Karsten Jähnigen, Prof. Klaus ten Hagen and Dr. Stephan Meyer (moderated by Prof. Jörg Lässig), the complexity of this topic was illustrated once again. In the future, it will not only be about what is technically feasible - it will also be about "taking along" the users and users of information technology, developing special training and further education offers and handling the media with care.


And in keeping with the date (11.11.), the participants were of course also able to enjoy pancakes!

The current calendar of scientific events at the HSZG can be found


.  For further questions and additional information, please contact Mr. Lutz Haberland(l.haberland(at)


Photos: Frank Riedel and Jürgen Möldner, HS


Sabine Scholz

Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer

Phone: 03583 612 4575

Mail: s.scholz(at)