Message details

05. April 2024

"The offer is very convincing!"

The Open University Day offered over 600 guests a varied program with many hands-on activities.

On March 23, the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences opened its doors for the University Information Day and was delighted to welcome many prospective students who explored both campuses in Zittau and Görlitz alone, in small groups or accompanied by their parents. Numerous university employees offered the approximately 600 visitors a varied program that, in addition to demonstrating the wide range of courses on offer, provided deep insights into the colorful campus life and plenty of hands-on stations.

In addition to lectures and workshops, the Zittau campus also offered guided tours of laboratories. The Görlitz campus also presented itself with a wide range of events. Rector Alexander Kratzsch was delighted with the great interest shown by prospective students.

The Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences is undoubtedly an attractive place to study, attracting many young people who want to study. We are always impressed by the concrete ideas of prospective students who come to the university information day to find out about our wide range of courses at first hand.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Kratzsch, Rector Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences

More than 150 employees from the faculties, institutes, administration and staff units worked hard on behalf of their university to welcome prospective students, some of whom came from far beyond Saxony's borders, to the dual location of Zittau and Görlitz. "Once again this year, the number of guests from Poland, the Czech Republic and other federal states underlines the great appeal of our university across state and national borders," summarized Rector Alexander Kratzsch.

In addition to the presentation of the degree courses, interested parties had the opportunity to talk to university lecturers, students and staff in person. The Student Advisory Service also offered individual consultations to help students choose a course and answer any questions they may have about studying.

Studentenwerk Dresden was on site and offered detailed advice on financing options and housing in Zittau and Görlitz. "For many prospective students, clarifying these things is an important prerequisite for starting a degree course in the first place," said the Rector, commenting on this offer.

Impressions of the Open University Day at the Görlitz site

A company fair with numerous exhibitors at the Zittau site provided the perfect opportunity for anyone interested in dual studies at the HSZG to get to know partner companies personally and secure a training place or practical partner for a dual study program. The university library was open at both locations and university sports used the opportunity to present the brand new fitness room at the Görlitz location.

The Federal Employment Agency was represented at both locations with a stand for study orientation and careers advice. Visitors to the MyHSZG-CampusApp information stands received first-hand information on the advantages and diverse possibilities that the new app offers for study orientation and the organization of campus life.

A university you can touch

In addition to environmental and university health management at the HSZG, institutes of the university were also on site to provide information about measurement technology, natural materials research and interdisciplinary transformation research - including the use of hands-on stations.

"Hands on" was also the focus of the "small soldering course". There, interested parties on an apprenticeship course at the HSZG learned about the steps required to produce an electronic cube and also got to talk to trainees on the dual study program.

At the "Future Learning Location Oberlausitz - ZukLOS" information stand, interested visitors learned more about the planned measures of the project and the future redesign of selected teaching and recreational areas at the HSZG, which will increase the attractiveness of the university. They were also able to contribute their own ideas.

The Saxon Film Academy presented its program in Görlitz.

Insights into campus life

In addition to the information on offer, the culinary offerings at the Open University Day were also extensive. In Görlitz, those hungry for knowledge were able to fortify themselves in the MIO canteen, while in Zittau, visitors were provided with hearty, vegan and sweet treats by regional partners and the student council of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. While enjoying regional specialties, the guests were able to chat about studying and life in Zittau and Görlitz.

The campus tours organized by the student council offered a special insight into the premises and various facilities at both locations. Finally, city tours were also offered, giving guests the opportunity to get to know the cultural and historical features as well as the study hotspots of both cities.

Impressions of the Open University Day at the Zittau campus

What was particularly well received by the visitors?

The university management and the organization team were delighted with the wide range of positive feedback that was collected via an online survey. This included the following statements in response to the question: What did you particularly like about the University Information Day?

  • The openness and relaxed atmosphere!
  • The lab tours and discussions with students and lecturers!
  • The campus and the CampusApp.
  • The wide range of university sports!
  • The friendliness of the people!
  • The contact with the students and the presentations of the degree programs!

One feedback provider summarized the visit with the statement: "The offer is very convincing!"  

See you there!

Prospective students who missed the Open University Day still have several opportunities to get to know Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences in person.

Personal opportunities to get to know each other: Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences represented at numerous trade fairs

Various fairs offer prospective students an excellent opportunity to get to know Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences in person. Over the next few months, the university will be represented at several fairs, including the Insider on May 25, the Vocatium in Cottbus on May 22, in Dresden on May 28 and 29, in Chemnitz/Zwickau on June 5 and 6, in Nuremberg from July 2 to 3 and at the Oberlausitzer Karrieretage from September 28 to 29, where interested parties will have the opportunity to talk directly to university staff and students and find out about the various courses on offer and campus life.

Girls' and Boys' Day: Get to know Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences live on site

Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences is once again inviting students to Girls' and Boys' Day on April 25 this year. On this nationwide career orientation day for girls and boys from the fifth grade onwards, the university offers an exciting program where pupils can get to know the university and gain initial experience in technical and scientific fields.

Our offers for Girls' Day and Boys' Day.

Individual advice: Personal introductory appointments at the university

Alternatively, you can simply send an email to .de or send a message to the WhatsApp number 0173 2086748 to arrange a personal appointment at the university. The Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences is looking forward to advising prospective students individually in this way and helping them make decisions about studying and campus life.

The Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences is delighted with the successful Open University Day, which was only possible thanks to the high level of commitment and cooperation of all those involved. Many thanks to all those involved who contributed to offering prospective students and their families an inspiring and informative insight into the HSZG.

Photos Zittau: Zhaniya Pirmoldayeva
Photos Görlitz: Sven Müller
Text: Cornelia Rothe

Ihre Ansprechperson
Victoria Hohlfeld
University Development and Communication Unit
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.65
+49 3583 612-4390