Message details

13. December 2019

Zittau meets Genoa

In November, the University of Genoa in Italy organized a training event for demonstrators and pilot lines in the context of the circular economy during the Genova Smart Week.

AMiCE in Genoa

The AMiCE team from the HSZG traveled to Genoa at the end of November to visit the Chamber of Commerce in Genoa. During the event, which focused on the topic of the circular economy, current AMiCE project results were presented as well as the Steinert sorting machine and pilot line from the LaNDER³  Zittau project. There were also interesting presentations on the topics mentioned. For example, the global company Hitachi Rail presented its concept for the sustainable development of rail solutions in the rail vehicle sector.

The aim of the event was to consolidate the network and align its developments with the future challenges of the circular economy. The event included presentations from the EU project AMiCE (Advanced Manufacturing in Central Europe), including the latest project results from work package 1 "Support Strategy and Knowledge Sharepoint", which were presented by Marlen Krause (HSZG). There were also presentations on relevant innovations that make it possible to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through eco-design and new business models. Experts from science and industry were involved. Among other things, initial results on the sorting of natural fiber-reinforced and non-reinforced plastics using NIR spectroscopy in the pilot plant at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences were presented by Anett Kupka and the Institute for Process Development, Peat and Natural Materials Research (iTN).

During the two days, it was possible to identify new challenges and opportunities in order to tackle them within the learning and demonstration network. These include success stories such as circular economy strategies, industrial symbiosis and eco-design.

AMiCE Infosession Zittau

In addition, the AMiCE project, with expertise in strategy and regional development in the field of 3D printing and the circular economy, organized a networking and transfer meeting called AMiCE Infosession in the LaNDER³ Halle Zittau. Research and industry came together at this location to learn more about additive manufacturing and the circular economy. During the event, keynote speeches and the latest developments, including renewable raw materials for 3D printing, were presented, young start-ups were given a platform for their business ideas in the classic car segment and the circular idea in corporate production chains was discussed.

The AMiCE info session was introduced and moderated by Marlen Krause (HSZG). Prof. Dr. Henning Zeidler (TU Bergakademie Freiberg) presented the use of biological and biodegradable materials as well as locally available raw materials in 3D printing. This was followed by Henry Burkhardt (IHD Dresden), who introduced the latest research findings on additive manufacturing processes based on wood-based materials. Mr. Philip Kalaydjiev from the startup Oldtimerparts from Leipzig showed a way in which additive processes can be used in a variety of ways, including for spare part reconstructions. Margarethe Schneider from Cradle to Cradle e.V. built a bridge from additive manufacturing to the holistic approach of the technical or biological cycle, whose goal is to promote environmental health and social justice as well as economic profitability - she invited to the Cradle to Cradle Congress 2020 in Berlin.

During the presentations, there were already numerous interested questions to our guest speakers, whose conversations could be followed up and discussed during the breaks and the tour of the machinery in the LaNDER³ hall. The Institute of Process Engineering, Process Automation and Metrology (IPM) demonstrated possibilities for the use of 3D printed parts on a collaborative robot and provided the wipe table for the presentation of current project results.

We are delighted to see so much interest from regional companies and academic staff in the two subject areas of additive manufacturing and the circular economy and are continuing to pursue the path of providing visibility and tools for the transfer of knowledge. The AMiCE team would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in the preparation and implementation of the event.

Photo: Prof. Dr. Martin Sturm
Ihr Ansprechpartner
Prof. Dr.
Martin Sturm
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 8
Building Z IVa, Room A0.09
First floor
+49 3583 612-4816
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 8
Building Z IV, Room A0.09
+49 3583 612-4816