Message details

09. June 2017

7th colloquium of the Research Training Group "New Systems for Resource Conservation"

The Research Training Group "New Systems for Resource Conservation" met for a specialist colloquium on 06.06.2017.

The longest-serving ESF junior research group at the HSZG - the Research Training Group "New Systems for Resource Conservation" - met last Tuesday, 06.06.2017, for its 7th specialist colloquium. At these quarterly meetings, the junior researchers and their project leaders discuss progress in the sub-projects as well as administrative and social problems with staff from the administration and the Vice-Rectorate for Research. This time, three of the ten junior researchers presented the status of their work:

  • Christoph Ebermann on "Decentralized combined heat and power generation"
  • Dr. Clemens Schneider on "Future-proof power generation" and
  • Jens Heider on "Information and communication technologies"

Christoph Ebermann bei seiner Präsentation Clemens Schneider bei seiner Präsentation

With just over a year to go before the end of funding, the discussions focused on the activities still outstanding. The distribution of work for the annual status report was also addressed and opportunities for further training in the area of social skills were discussed.

As with every colloquium, there was then a tour of test facilities. This time, the destination was the thermal hydraulics laboratory of the Institute of Process Engineering, Process Automation and Metrology(IPM). It contains numerous test facilities for plant and nuclear safety research.

Sören Alt führt durch das Thermohydrauliklabor des IPM Sören Alt führt durch das Thermohydrauliklabor des IPM

In somewhat changeable weather, the evening ended with a joint barbecue.

Even if the results of the junior research group are not yet on the table, one thing is clear: this type of funding from the EU and Saxony is a good way of bringing together young and older researchers from different disciplines and tackling upcoming research work together.


Lutz Haberland

Tel.: 03583 612-4682
E-mail: L.Haberland(at)