Message details

28. February 2024

Working together for a sustainable Lusatia

The "Lusatia - Life & Technology" alliance hosted its annual networking meeting at the Zittau campus.

The glass foyer in House IV of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences in Zittau is visibly full: 60 representatives from regional companies, administrative bodies and research institutions are exchanging views on the core topics "Additive manufacturing", "Networked energy systems and storage technologies" and "Attractive educational, working and living environments" of the "Lusatia - Life & Technology" alliance.

Moderated project discussions provide an insight into the "GreenHeater" and "AFiin" projects

Jan Holub, Managing Director of Lausitz Energy Systems in Weißwasser, presents the initial research results of his interdisciplinary team in the "GreenHeater" project. "GreenHeater" project project: using a laboratory environment in the form of a tiny house with a permanently installed solid-state storage unit, he demonstrates how solar yields from a PV system can be stored seasonally. In the interview, he also gives an insight into the project work with the alliance management: "It was a great collaboration from the application to the results. We had the feeling that the project was wanted," says Holub.

Christian Kehm (MCR Engineering) then explains technical solutions for process optimization in the additive manufacturing of large-dimensional machine assemblies in the project "AFiin". Specifically, this involves the rapid provision of spare parts with the help of metal 3D printing technologies.

Rosemarie Müller (MCR Engineering) will also show how simple demonstrators with increased build rates and demonstrators for process optimization can be produced in the future. The additive manufacturing process with metal 3D printing makes it possible to produce individual parts or small batches quickly, cost-effectively and flexibly.

Jenny Barthel (Working Evolutions) finally invites us to a communication workshop that promises "More effectiveness through better relationships": with over 20 participants, she discusses the opportunities that arise for our actions through relationships with ourselves, our (Partnership) work and our team.

The Partnership Management can look back with satisfaction on an afternoon full of varied networking discussions. On the same morning, the L&T Advisory Board met and, after exciting discussions on approaches to continuation and the presentation of a new strategy project approach, came to the conclusion that the last of the funds have now been allocated.  

A big thank you to all alliance partners whose commitment and expertise are helping us to overcome challenges together and drive innovation for our (Upper) Lusatia!

Ihre Ansprechperson
Leonie Liemich
Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer
02763 Zittau
Schwenninger Weg 1
Building Z VII, Room 402.5
4th upper floor
+49 3583 612-4801