27. September 2018

Workshop on e-Learning 2018

In the usual tradition, a forum for the presentation and discussion of current developments and trends in the e-learning sector will be offered.

Workshop on e-Learning 2018

In cooperation with the HTWK Leipzig, the Center for eLearning [Zfe] of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences is organizing this year's Workshop on e-Learning (WeL) in Görlitz on Thursday, 27.09.2018. In the usual tradition, a forum for the presentation and discussion of current developments and trends in the e-learning sector will be offered.

Participation is free of charge for members of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (no conference documents included), registration is requested (online at www.hszg.de/zfe/wel/anmeldung.html).


Location:             Görlitz, Hermann-Heitkamp-Haus (G I), Furtstraße 1

Date:   27.09.2018

Topic:  "E-learning at universities - project(s) or practice?"

Further information, including online registration and the conference program, at <link zfe/wel/wel.html>https://www.hszg.de/zfe/wel/wel.html



Enrico Schuster

Phone (GR): (+49) 03581-374-3340

Phone (ZI): (+49) 03583-612-3340

E-mail: elearning(at)hszg.de

<link zfe/wel/wel.html>