[Our image of an ideal city: To what extent is housing important in our ideal cityscapes?

"Living in rural areas" - lecture series as part of the East-West College in the summer semester 2020

Begin 26. March 2020 - 16:15 Uhr
End 26. March 2020 - 17:45 Uhr
City GI/1.01

Adrien Houguet, M.A., doctoral candidate at the Faculty M/K, TU Chemnitz and the Université de Rouen (FR), deals in his lecture with the question of what ideas we have of an ideal city. Which elements would be essential to a city if we could design it ourselves? Houses, green spaces, schools, stores, towers, water, ... How is the basic need for housing met in these ideal images?

Mr. Houguet wrote his Master's thesis at the Faculty of Cultural and Management Sciences at the HSZG on this topic and is currently expanding the international reference to it in his doctorate.

The lecture series is open to all students and employees of the HSZG and is also aimed at interested members of the public. After each 45-60 minute lecture, there will be an opportunity for discussion with the speaker and the audience. The East-West College is an opportunity for dialog between experts and the public, science and practice in the border triangle.

Photo: Mag. Art. Cornelia Müller
Mag. Art.
Cornelia Müller
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 1.09
1st floor
+49 3581 374-4274