UFO 2019: Economy in transition - think globally, act locally

The Wirtschaftsjunioren Bautzen e. V. and the Wirtschaftsjunioren Görlitz e.V. invite you to the Unternehmerforum Oberlausitz 2019 at the HSZG.

Begin 26. September 2019 - 09:00 Uhr
City Peter-Dierich-Haus (Z IV), Theodor-Körner-Allee 8, 02763 Zittau

Upper Lusatia in transition

"Economy in transition - think globally, act locally" is the motto of the 2019 Upper Lusatia Business Forum on September 26 at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences in Zittau, Theodor-Körner-Allee 8, hosted by the Wirtschaftsjunioren Bautzen e. V. and Wirtschaftsjunioren Görlitz e.V.

Under the term "change", this day will focus on the topics of recruiting skilled workers and corporate management , which require a rethink in view of the fact that the upcoming top performers of Generation Y tick differently today.

The demands on a modern corporate culture have also changed with the young generation. In addition to work-life balance and the challenges of a future role, soft factors also play a decisive role in the job choice of future specialists and managers. Business leaders must face up to these questions in order to be fit for the future. Keyword future: The forum is also dedicated to ways of corporate financing. Which ones are there? And what would it take, for example, for a business angel to "bite"? 

Program and registration