School network: Collegial exchange on the topic of "Fabmobil"

Introducing the Fabmobile!

Begin 28. February 2024 - 14:00 Uhr
End 28. February 2024 - 15:00 Uhr

Introducing the Fabmobile

Introducing the Fabmobil! The bus brings 3D printing, robotics, virtual reality, programming and other technologies to rural areas. You will get an overview of the offers for pupils and teachers and learn about the local laboratories.


Fabmobil e.V. promotes young creativity and digital self-efficacy in rural areas of Saxony and is thus committed to equal living conditions in urban and rural areas. Using a double-decker bus converted into a digital and art workshop - the Fabmobil - dedicated instructors give workshops on coding, design and digital culture in schools away from the big cities. In places where the Fabmobil is particularly effective, the association has been setting up small, target group-operated open workshops - the local labs - since 2020. Eight permanent employees and 18 freelance workshop leaders from various disciplines currently work at Fabmobil e.V. The association is expanding its range of activities from 2024 with the "Young CultureCityRegion Chemnitz (AT)" project.

The Fabmobil is a mobile art, culture and future laboratory for rural areas throughout Saxony. It is a double-decker bus equipped with digital technology and machine tools and the place where workshops on creative technologies take place - for kids, young people and beyond. The aim of the Fabmobile is to bring future technologies such as 3D printing, virtual reality, robotics and programming to rural areas.

The Fabmobil has been on the road since 2017, visiting schools, youth centers, festivals and meeting places to revitalize and activate existing educational offerings and develop new, digital and contemporary cultural and experience formats. The Fabmobil is now an established educational project and is on the road an average of 200 days a year in Saxony and beyond. The Fabmobil project is currently funded by the Saxon Ministry of Culture, Silicon Saxony e.V. and the Drosos Foundation. The project has been awarded the Kulturlichter Prize, the Innovation Prize for Continuing Education and the "Digital Places of Ideas" prize. It is a model project with nationwide and international appeal.

Target groups: School staff from schools interested in the school network that are striving to develop into a "Digital School Saxony"

Format: Collegial exchange

Project: School network of the "Digital School Saxony" initiative

Date: Wednesday, 28.02.2024, 14:00 - 15:00

Location: online (access link will be sent one day before)



E-mail to:

Region East Saxony: Marina Welsch

Western Saxony region: Melanie Merkel

Photo: Dipl.-Kfm. (FH) M.A. David Sauer
Dipl.-Kfm. (FH) M.A.
David Sauer
Center for Knowledge Transfer and Education
02826 Görlitz
Parkstrasse 2
Building G VII, Room 206
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4311
Center for Knowledge Transfer and Education
02763 Zittau
Schwenninger Weg 1
Building Z VII, Room 409
4th upper floor
+49 3583 612-4311