Lecture series: "History of the passive use of solar energy - Frei Otto's eco-house concept

Begin 06. April 2023 - 16:15 Uhr
End 06. April 2023 - 17:45 Uhr

The topic is "The history of the passive use of solar energy - Frei Otto's eco-house concept". The Warmbronn eco-house near Leonberg is a classic for energy studies. The speaker, Jos Tomlow, worked for many years at Frei Otto's Institute for Lightweight Structures at the University of Stuttgart. The historical pioneer of solar energy houses will be presented with reconstructive images (CAD).

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Jos Tomlow

Overview as PDF: DOWNLOAD

Participation is possible

- in presence: Lecture hall 1, GI building

- online: Online Link

The event series takes place in cooperation with the VHS Görlitz. It is open to all students and teaching staff at the university, in particular for the Master's in Management of Social Change, the Master's in Social Gerontology and in the Studium fundamentale of the Faculty of Social Sciences.