Open AAL Lab Görlitz

The Ambient Assisted Living laboratory provides an on-site insight into current assistance technologies for maintaining quality of life in old age.

Begin 03. April 2024 - 16:00 Uhr
End 03. April 2024 - 18:00 Uhr

How will we live in old age? What aids are available to enable us to stay in our own homes for a long time despite possible physical or mental limitations and where is there a need for technical development?

These are all questions that are being researched in the AAL Lab.  

The AAL lab is a model apartment within a complex for senior-friendly living, which is equipped with the latest assistance technologies designed to make the everyday lives of senior citizens easier. The lab offers an insight into how modern technology can be used to enable people to live independently in their own homes for longer and improve their quality of life in old age.

Every first Wednesday of the month, there is an AAL open lab day where interested parties can find out about the latest assistance technologies on site and talk about them. Visitors have the opportunity to try out the technical everyday aids on site in order to assess whether they actually make life easier at home.


AAL Lab: KommForschen
Frauenburgstr. 71 (3rd floor left - please ring the bell)
02826 Görlitz


If you are interested, please contact 

03581 878113 or  .

You can find more information about the AAL Lab here!