Public tenders as an option for SMEs

Strategic opportunities to increase sales through public tendering

Begin 04. April 2023 - 09:55 Uhr
End 04. April 2023 - 11:35 Uhr

Tapping into innovation potential and sales channels is not always easy. Products and services exist, customer contact is there and yet the valorization of know-how and quality could be increased. This is where the public tendering system may offer new opportunities.

In Europe, for example, there are around 258,000 tenders with a contract value of around 670 billion euros. State development banks invest around 2.3 trillion dollars a year worldwide. In our webinar, we would like to take a closer look at public procurement in the context of "30 years of the EU internal market". We invite salespeople and managing directors to take a look at free service offers and consider whether there are interfaces between the company's own product portfolio and public tenders.

Procedure and agenda:

Access from 09:55 a.m.: Welcome, Viviane Volk (EEN Hessen, IHK Frankfurt am Main)

10:00 - 10:15 a.m.: The Enterprise Europe Network on strategic cooperation opportunities in the European Single Market, Alexandra Fezer (EEN Baden-Württemberg, Steinbeis Europa Zentrum)

10:15 - 10:30 a.m.: Presentation of the TED platform, Annika Senftleber (EEN Bavaria, Auftragsberatungszentrum Bayern e. V.)

10:35 - 10:50 a.m.: GTAI information offer on development cooperation, Laura Sundermann (GTAI Germany Trade & Invest)


11:00 - 11:30 a.m.:  Room 1: Questions about the TED
                                Room 2: Questions about the GTAI tendering platform

11:30 - 11:35 a.m.: Farewell and remarks, Viviane Volk (EEN Hessen, IHK Frankfurt am Main)


You can register under this link.

Photo: M.A. Tobias Schlüter
Tobias Schlüter
02826 Görlitz
Parkstrasse 2
Building G VII, Room 306
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4683