"Nature conservation, environmental education and forestry in Upper Lusatia"

Specialist (afternoon) day in the run-up to the 23rd Saxon State Harvest Festival

Begin 28. September 2022 - 14:00 Uhr
End 28. September 2022 - 18:00 Uhr

2 to 3 p.m.
Expert contribution: "
Habitats worth protecting in the Zittauer Gebirge Nature Park: What threatens them and how we can protect them"

Mr. Henning Haase, Managing Director Naturschutzzentrum Zittauer Gebirge


  • Overview of the precious habitats in the Zittauer Gebirge Nature Park
  • How are these habitats doing today?
  • What is the biodiversity crisis?
  • Which habitats can be replaced and which must be preserved?
  • What needs to happen to preserve these habitats?


3 to 4 p.m.
Expert contribution:
"Environmental education in Upper Lusatia" 


  • Mr. Georg Salditt, Head of Department and Project Manager Environmental and Youth Education at the International Meeting Centre St. Marienthal
  • Ms. Anke Zenker-Hoffmann, research assistant at the Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences


  • Presentation of the Saxony Nature Network
  • Overview of the players and offers of environmental education in Upper Lusatia
  • Presentation of the Ecology and Environmental Protection course at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and its impact on the region


4 to 6 p.m.
Expert contribution:
"Forest damage and reforestation of damaged areas" 


  • Mr. Sven Martens, Head of Department Forest management, forest evaluation, Forest inventories at the state enterprise Sachsenforst
  • Ms. Sylvia Knote, Head of the District Forestry Office   in the district of Görlitz 
  • Ms. Angela Bültemeier, Operations Manager Forestry Zittau 


  • Overview lecture "Forest damage and reforestation" by the state enterprise Sachsenforst
  • Forest damage and reforestation in the district of Görlitz   and in the Zittau municipal forest
  • Panel discussion with the Sachsenforst state enterprise, Saxon State Ministry for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture (requested), the district forestry office, the Zittau forestry operation and forest owners

Large seminar room of the IHK Zittau office
Bahnhofstraße 30, 02763 Zittau

Registration is not required!

Contact person

Ms. Adelsberger
Phone: +49 (0)3581 663 3003
Mail: dezernat3(at)kreis-gr.de