24. October 2018

MINT Symposium 2018 in Zittau


Everyone is talking about demographic change and the shortage of skilled workers. Apprenticeships and degree courses in the scientific and technical fields are particularly affected. We would like to talk to you about what options are available in our region despite the current developments - will you be there?

The event starts with a warm-up on October 23 from 7.30 pm in the Peter-Dierich-Haus of the HSZG.

On 24 October 2018 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., you can look forward to an exciting program with interesting contributions and discussions.

More information here or in the <link file:58083 download file>flyer.

Please register by 19.10.2018: forschung(at)hszg.de

Thank you!