12. April 2018

Meetup future: Public lecture by neurobiologist Gerald Hüther

Education in the age of globalization and digitalization: How can schools and universities master the new challenges?

The research focus Transformation Processes in Economy and Society of the HSZG, the SCHKOLA Freier Schulträgerverein e.V. and the Bündnis Zukunft Oberlausitz invite you to a lecture by neurobiologist Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther on the topic: Education in the age of globalization and digitalization on Thursday, 12 April 2018 at 5 p.m. (admission: 4 p.m.) in the Kulturbrauerei Görlitz.

We are living in an exciting moment in history: the successes of modern science, economy and society are enabling people to develop their potential freely and creatively more than ever before.
At the same time, the ecological, social and psychological shadows of modernity require a "Great Transformation", the necessity of which is now also recognized by political and scientific elites.

Various initiatives and movements are exploring this sustainable future for people and the planet, the economy, society and culture. Some are developing ecological or digital technologies, others are researching social innovations and others are exploring the necessary deep cultural and spiritual changes. However, these movements are usually divided from one another and the necessary interplay between all these innovations has hardly been achieved to date.

We are therefore inviting actors from these different approaches to a "Meetup - Future". The following events will also take place as part of the Meetup:





12.04.2018, 5:00 p.m. (Admission: 4:00 p.m.)

Kulturbrauerei Görlitz



Normal price 13 €, for pupils and students 6 €


Dr. phil. habil.Maik Hosang

Faculty of Management and Cultural Studies

Spokesperson Research Focus Transformation Processes in Economy and Society

Mail: m.hosang(at)hszg.de

Phone: 03581 374-4246