Vernissage: Cameroon through the eyes of a thousand women

The exhibition "Cameroon through the eyes of a thousand women" is a tribute to the power of African women and takes place as part of the Lausitz Festival.

Begin 02. September 2021 - 19:30 Uhr

Invitation to the presence vernissage

Cameroon through the eyes of a thousand women
Le Cameroun aux yeux de mille femmes |
Cameroon in the Eyes of a Thousand Women |
Kamerun oczami tysiąca kobiet


Thursday, September 02, 2021, 7:30 p.m. 


FLOW Gallery, Friesestraße 31, 02681 Schirgiswalde-Kirschau

The exhibition "Cameroon through the eyes of a thousand women" is a tribute to the power of African women.

The exhibition and catalog represent the exact opposite of both "white male saviorism" and the usual reports of misery. With a view from the inside, they convey the position of Cameroonian women between tradition and modernity, their strength in everyday life, their worries, their hopes. And not least their situation, which in many respects is very similar to that of women in Europe.

The exhibition answers the question posed by the Federal Chancellor's Commissioner for Africa about a possible focus of Saxony's and Germany's Africa policy in the coming legislative period from a cultural, scientific and economic policy perspective: according to the World Bank, women are the key to economic growth on the African continent - not because they are the better people, but because their potential has so far been largely untapped. The female population in sub-Saharan Africa owns only one percent of the wealth, but produces two thirds of all agricultural goods.

The locations and motifs were selected by Her Highness Esperance Cadé, Queen Mother in Bafoussam, and Aimée Nguemtchueng, a doctoral student at the University of Yaounde I and the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. A special feature of the exhibition is the highly poetic power of the photographs and the poems by Aimée Nguemtchueng inspired by them. The deputy German ambassador Gabriela Bennemann wrote to us: "I saw the photos in the exhibition with great pleasure; yes, that's what it looks like here!"

The exhibition is part of Upper Lusatia's efforts to build partnerships with Africa, especially with its women. It is dedicated to Cameroon - whose population is among the leaders in the worldwide interest in German as a foreign language and in Germany.

Photo: Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. habil. Matthias Theodor Vogt
Ihr Ansprechpartner
Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. habil.
Matthias Theodor Vogt
Faculty of Management and Cultural Studies
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 3
Building G IV, Room 2.22
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4363