International Dinner

The international dinner is still the most delicious event of our International Coffee Hour. Hour.

Begin 04. December 2019 - 16:00 Uhr
End 04. December 2019 - 20:00 Uhr

Delicacies from all over the world on one big table: the international dinner is still the most delicious event of our International Coffee Hour. Students prepare a delicious and special meal from their home country and let us all try it.

Enrich our international buffet with a delicacy from your home country and
enjoy food from different cultures in return.

Everyone brings something with them, so there will be plenty of choice at the buffet.


We look forward to seeing you there!


Where: in the DeZi-Bar
When: 04.12.2019 at 16:00, opening of the buffet from 17:00

Photo: M.A. Henriette Uhlig
Eure Ansprechpartnerinnen
Henriette Uhlig
Photo: M.A. Alina Bulcsu
Alina Bulcsu
Department of Studies and International Affairs
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 0.13
First floor
+49 3583 612-3055