Girls' Day at the HSZG from Year 5 onwards

At the nationwide Girls' Day on April 27, 2023, schoolgirls can get a taste of professions that are atypical for girls. Our program for your future day will inspire you: Come by and experience how new technologies contribute to nature and environmental protection. See how current energy issues are being addressed and solved by our scientists and students.

Begin 27. April 2023 - 09:00 Uhr
End 27. April 2023 - 12:45 Uhr

You can currently find the following in our range:

  • A mechanical engineer will take care of it!
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / IPM

    Johanna would like to tell you about how engineers design machines and systems so that they can work on their own. An important technique here is called modeling, simulation and control engineering.
  • Electrical engineering - really exciting!
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / KIA study program

    "Who gets to go first?" - often decided by snickers and giggles or by drawing lots - will be diced today. But not in the traditional way, but with an electronic dice. See how a finished circuit board is created from a circuit diagram in a short space of time, assemble it yourself and then it's time to roll the dice! With just a few simple steps, you can build your own cube, which you can then take home with you. Are you curious? Then join us at "Electrical engineering - really exciting!" and get to know the training workshop at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and the basic laboratory.

  • Casting key moments!
    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

    Do you want to get creative? Would you like to create something new with your fellow students? We'll show you how to bring the sandpit from the playground into the workshop and what great things you can create when casting. Make your own wrench for your next home project. Please wear clothes that can get dirty and, if possible, refrain from wearing jewelry, watches, etc.
  • Experience material power!
    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

    Do you want to know how to test materials and select them for practical use? What can a component withstand under different thermal and chemical influences? We'll show you what pure strength means. Let yourself be enchanted by the shine of the materials and how loud they are when they break.
  • Build your dream house in 3D!
    Faculty of Business, Economics and Industrial Engineering

    Want to design your own dream house easily and practically? Learn how to do it here! Come along and create digital building models on your PC.
  • On the trail of medicinal plants!
    Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences / ZIRKON
    Contact: and

    From aniseed and devil's claw to cinnamon: the pharmaceutical biotechnology laboratory at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences offers interested students an insight into the vast world of natural remedies.
  • A day as a synthetic chemist!
    Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences

    Purification of solids in organic synthesis. The students can purify benzoic acid by recrystallization and check their success by determining the melting point. Sturdy shoes and long pants are required. Gowns and protective goggles are available.
  • Insight into pioneering research into products made from natural fibers!
    Natural Fiber Center LaNDER³

    The Natural Fiber Center at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences is busy researching how we can live and produce with what nature has to offer in the future while protecting our environment. Plants play a central role here. We can use them to generate energy, such as biogas, or produce great products, such as biodegradable disposable tableware or components for trains. Our researchers at the Natural Fiber Center will explain how this all works.
    You will also learn what fungi feed on and how we can use their unique abilities as helpers for recycling purposes and the utilization of otherwise unusable materials in the future. We will also show you what can be achieved with modern machines when sorting plastics in order to reduce the use of crude oil and CO2 emissions in the future.

It's your future! You decide!

Our students and researchers will answer all your questions about our research, as well as which subjects they particularly enjoyed at school and what you need to study to do research with us.

Take the plunge and get to know courses of study that you may not even have thought about. True to the motto: male and female professions? Cliché-free career choice now!

Your checklist for Girls' Day at HSZG:

From March, take a look at our offers at and register either online or by phone.

Ask your parents! If they agree, you can take part.

Ask your class teacher if you can get time off. The time off from school is available at girls-day .de/maedchen

Come and join us! We look forward to seeing you!

Contact person

Photo: M.A. Robert Viertel
Robert Viertel
Rectorate / Education department
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 2.02.2
2nd upper floor
+49 3583 612-4356
Rectorate / Education department
02826 Görlitz
Brückenstraße 1
Building G II, Room 253
1st floor
+49 3581 374-4356