Gerontological symposium

The gerontology symposium is taking place for the second time at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, this time on the topic of "Age and digitalization".

Begin 14. June 2019 - 09:00 Uhr
End 15. June 2019 - 13:00 Uhr

On 14 and 15 June 2019, the gerontology symposium will take place for the second time at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, this time on the topic of "Age and digitalization".

Digitalization is now an integral part of our society and extends into many areas of life. For older people, digital technology and the innovations associated with it open up new ways of organizing and coping with everyday life. Uncomplicated communication over long distances, smart homes, telemedicine and digitally supported care services are just a few examples of ways to promote a self-determined life into old age. In addition to the opportunities offered by the digital world, however, there are also fears of contact and knowledge deficits, particularly among the older generations. In addition, the question of the risks involved in using data security or data sovereignty is increasingly being raised. The conference will address these key issues and highlight current and future trends in digitalization.

Speakers with research and practical experience will present the current state of their research in the context of ageing and digitalization. In addition to the specialist lectures and an insight into a robotics laboratory of the co-creation lab "Factory of the Future", the project results dealing with technical assistance systems for older people and their relatives will be presented on the second day.

We look forward to welcoming you to the university in Görlitz!


Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Social Sciences
Teaching building G I, Hermann-Heitkamp-Haus, Aula
Furtstraße 2, 02826 Görlitz


The conference is free of charge for participants.

Conference snacks and drinks will be provided. In addition, the canteen will be available with various offers (self-paying).

Please register for the conference by 10.06.2019 by post or e-mail.

Photo: M.A. Katja Knauthe
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin
Katja Knauthe
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 1.09
1st floor
+49 3851 374-4254