[POSTPONED] Conference for Young Scientists in Jelenia Góra

The ACC invites young scientists to exchange ideas.

Begin 12. May 2020 - Ganztägig

Every year, the Wrocław branch of the Faculty of Economics in Jelenia Góra organizes a conference for young academics. The lectures are held in English, the articles are modified if necessary after the presentation and the jury's suggestions and published in the last half of the year.

Students choose the topics themselves. It is advisable to use a successful paper and expand on it thematically.

The webinar "How to write a scientific paper", which can be accessed via the OPAL platform for academic teaching and learning, may be helpful for the presentation.

In addition to the experience gained, participants will receive a certificate of participation. Three small prizes will also be awarded.


Webinar Scientific English

Registration deadline

Deadline for paper submission

April/May 2020
Presentation workshop

12.05.2020 (postponed to unknown date)

from June 2020
Review of contributions and preparation for printing

December 2020
Publication of conference proceedings

Spring 2021
ACC award ceremony

For the first 5 successful registrations, the HSZG will cover both the participation fees and the travel costs - it pays to be quick!

Photo: M.A. Tobias Schlüter
Tobias Schlüter
02826 Görlitz
Parkstrasse 2
Building G VII, Room 306
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4683